Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil and Ph?


Well-Known Member
huh??? lolol sorry dude you must not have read the thread but thanks for the info. And fyi it could possibly be a little hot on seedlings which i haven't seen but it's perfectly fine for rooted clones. I'm not saying you can clone in it because i clone in promix but after they root they are perfectly fine to stick in there


Well-Known Member
lolol I wish I was, I live in ny and would actually work for them in a heartbeat if they were anywhere around me... so I could get the soil cheaper instead of paying 28 freekin bucks a bag. Mrghettogrower, you still having probs? lets walk you thru this


Well-Known Member
bongsmilieOriginally Posted by MrGhettoGrower
Its ffof that I've had low ph or burn issuses or whatever it was? today they got just water 3 days ago gave a cocktail of 2 tsp tiger blood lol 1 tbs big bloom 1 tsp grow big 1/2 tsp beastie bloomz! Next feeding same thing but I think they can handle 2 tsps of grow big Today is 3rd week flowering their real perty! It digilux bulbs on super lumen. I use my bulbs 2 times around on super

cut back your beasties to 1/4 tsp dood....thats strong shit...


Well-Known Member
Ok so here is my situation, I recently switched from promix to foxfarm ocean forest soil and I planted 2 clones in the soil I decided to run some water that was ph'd to 6.8 thru it to see what my run off ph was and it was like 5.8... Now I know that 5.8 is way to low for soil and wondering why and the hell its so low? Has anyone else that has used ocean forest experienced this? Now I have 2 more questions, How do I get the soil to the optimum ph and how do I prevent this low ph in the future? Thanks in advanced.....
In the future just don't buy it! DUH! Problems solved!


Well-Known Member
Me? Sorry but not asking for advice and seems you didn't read it right cause I corrected myself and was speaking of PROMIX...DUH
I seem to be in some real trouble and need some advice. I'm in FFOF and find the runoff PH is 7.7 or higher when I water in at 6.5. I watered yesterday at 6.2 and the runoff was 7.5. I'm in 20 gallons of soil and flushed last month with 60 gallons of PH 6.5 and the last PH at the tail of the runoff was 7.5. My plants are phosphorous deficient and I can't seem to get them to show signs of recovery. I'm at a loss as to what would cause this?