Fox Farm OF and the Fox farm nutes lineup!

The tiger bloom does lower the says it will on the bottle. When I used the stuff if lowered it a lot. Just check the pH before giving it to your plants.

I recommend giving a water-only feeding between nutrient feedings like this...water, water+nutrients, water, water+nutrients, water...etc. This will help keep salt levels down and lower the chance of burning.

I agree and remember less is more. Trust me I have nuked my share before realizing to take it easy.

Some strain breeders like Mandala tell you not to feed at all if you have good soil. You get enough of the nutes in the soil when you transplant. They do recommend some light feeding and bloom boosters in flowering on some strains.

Merry Christmas!!


Well-Known Member
i just went to the hydrostore today and picked up all three fox farm nutes and fox farm ocean forest. this is my first grow and i researched the hell outta indoor growing and the LST method...does anyone think this will work well...seeing as this is my first time growing

If you follow the FF chart then you are missing some nutes, probably the solubles. It's more expensive to get those, but when you look at how much you use it will last a very long time. Not to mention the NPK for those is right in line with flowering requirements. So they will make a difference in the final size and weight of those buds.

As for buring and 1/4 or less strength; I have NEVER burnt a plant using their recommended feeding strenths. I use FFOF as well with all of their products, and no burn for me. I'm not sure what going on with these other people. Hell I've grown some Sativa dom, and Indica dom and still no burn. Maybe a strain issue.


Well-Known Member
2 under 250w hps almost 8wks 12/12
This one's getting close to chop. The other is more sativa and still pretty green.
This will be some killer Christmas chronic.
Stopped feeding Tiger bloom at wk7,
only Big bloom until harvest. Maybe BSM one more time.
Thanks again to the Fox Farms line up.



Active Member
sorry to say but looks like a little burning of the leaves? if it was a proper flush leaves will be a pale yellow! but over all thumbs up!
The tiger bloom does lower the says it will on the bottle. When I used the stuff if lowered it a lot. Just check the pH before giving it to your plants.

I recommend giving a water-only feeding between nutrient feedings like this...water, water+nutrients, water, water+nutrients, water...etc. This will help keep salt levels down and lower the chance of burning.
This is what I do.. I mix the nutes full strength or whatever it says on the bottle and feed every other watering.. works like a charm!


Well-Known Member
sorry to say but looks like a little burning of the leaves? if it was a proper flush leaves will be a pale yellow! but over all thumbs up!
I do see what you mean about burning
Hasn't been an issue the whole grow.
So close to harvest, and the buds look awesome, i'm not worried about it.
Some leaves are just plain dead and i just didn't remove em.

My waters always ph'd between 6.0-6.5
Runoffs been 6.4-6.5 the last 2 weeks
I'm not really flushing as much as just feeding Big Bloom till harvest.


Well-Known Member
mman i grew a plant just like that looked da same im not shitn ya. awesome i got like pretty much a oz idk if yours is as dense but nice job man pretty cool


Well-Known Member
mman i grew a plant just like that looked da same im not shitn ya. awesome i got like pretty much a oz idk if yours is as dense but nice job man pretty cool
The harvest from this plant was a few grams under 2.5oz, the buds were rock hard and dense.
I grew her from seed, along with two others. I picked the best out to make a mother plant, and been growing cuttings from her.
So far i've harvested seven plants cut from the mom.


Well-Known Member
fox far doesn't put an npk rating on their soils! check the bags or website.

What is the NPK of your soils?

All of our soil products offer balanced nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. We pH adjust them to a neutral range of 6.3 – 6.8. Because of the premium organic ingredients that we use, there is no risk of burning your plants. Our soils are ready to use, right out of the bag. There is no NPK listed on our soil packages because they are not fertilizers, but growing mediums. The real power of our soils lies in the fact that they are teeming with beneficial micro-organisms. Our soils are never steam sterilized, which allows these microorganisms to thrive and convert the organic nutrients into a form the plant can utilize.

I copied that from the FF site! It keeps making more nutes as long as the microorganisms are still alive to break down the soil. So the ff soils are not (hot) the just make more a time goes on. be careful with the ferts for all the reasons listed before. I have never had a burn issue with ff products! I use 3tbs per gallon or either big bloom or grow big. I feed them every other watering then every third watering, so it goes water feed, water, water, feed, water, feed, water, water, feed. and that is with the Happy Frog soil.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you get some type of CalMag stuff, especially if you are using RO water. FF doesn't supply enough, if any at all.


Well-Known Member
I would second everyone who said test for PH. The tiger bloom even says it lowers PH on the bottle. I would grab some PH up while you are there.