Fox Farm Open Sesame light dependent?


Well-Known Member
If Open Sesame is applied before the 12/12 light cycle what will happen?

Will it;

a) go into flowering
b) do nothing until the light is right
c) start flowering and maybe go back to vegetation?

I really don't know the answer to this and would appreciate input from those have used the product pre 12/12 cycle.
They were feminized seeds btw. I suppose another question is it okay to "Open Sesame" right now? Will they finish faster? I'm assuming yes but worry the light cycle will inhibit proper finishing unless they are covered.
use it when it says to on the bottle... i believe its as soon as pre-flowers appear through the 4th week of flowerin or somethin like that. this is an outdoor forum but since it sounds like ur talkin indoors then i would use it once u flip them over. it will have no affect on when ur plant starts to flower. and btw, i used that stuff last year on half of mine and couldnt tell a difference from the ones i didnt use it on. i think u just wasted like 30 bucks.
Oh I'm talking outdoors. The bottle and website basically say when it starts to flower but then again as the name suggests the high level of phosphorus promotes flowering. This is not a new trick. I just basically need to know if I need to break the light schedule as well? I'd rather they finish early rather than late when the rains come.
when u say break the light schedule ru talkin light deprivation? and phosphorus doesnt make it flower any sooner... it flowers based on the hours of uninterrupted darkness n nothin else.
Phosphorus helps kill the stretch so it will help them flower faster once they start it won't induce flowering. As for maturing faster/preflower faster like the dude from the 600 club said could be have no clue