Im going to stop all nutes 2 weeks before my planed harvest. Im growing in 5 gallon pots fox farm OC and Happy Frog mix I plan on flushing twice, the first time with 15 gallons of water I add a gallon at a time and do it slowly but all within one day. My last flush I plan on doing 5 days before harvest and using some molasses with this flush I have no limit of water I use I just keep adding water and molasses for a whole day sun up till I go to bed. I used 5 gallon buckett for my flushing water and add molasses to every other buckett. This is just the way I do it and it works well for me no chem taste what so ever, im sure others do it many diffrent ways. Good luck!
yea, 2 weeks....molasses has nutrients in it, and it's great to use....but not until harvest. IMO, WATER ONLY for the last week at least, but I don't use any for the last 2 weeks, and I grwo organically. Nutrients are nutrients.....think about it!
I know, even if you flush there will still be organic nutrients in the soil because they dont break down fast like chemicals. but they dont add a noticable taste. you can choose to just use water or use water w molasses. I personaly have noticed a better taste using molasses til the end but everyone has a different opinion. the nutrients in molasses do not have any salts or anything that you would need to worry about flushing out for health reasons like a chemical fert. see what works the best for you! happy growing!