Fox farms and rain?


New Member
I am going to be growing 7 plants in 1-3 gallon buckets while following the fox farms trio schedule. Since i will be outdoors sometimes it will rain and water them at times that i do not want to water them. Will the rain effect the nutes schedule or should i just water every 3 days like normal?


Well-Known Member
Water when they are dry. If it just rained, they aren't dry, so why water? As for nutes, just get a $5 rain guage from Lowes/Home Depot and make your self a chart. Growing outdoors is going to require you to become one with Mother Nature. You need to be the same page she is. Good Luck !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Many tricks to consider outdoors, like using silicon water crystals, positioning the plant so later in the summer it has some shade during the mid day, and is open to wind and sun at dawn and dusk, if you can't bring the plants indoors at least offer them some cover ..does rain water affect nute levels ...yes but is no big deal, you will feed them again..?


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that rain water is lightly acidic and will pull more nutrients out of your soil...making them available for the plant to use...
People even do this with indoor gardens.... "make it rain"
On my outdoor garden I feed once a week even if it rains...


Active Member
if you are using 1-3 gallon pots you will be watering every day outdoors. you may want t rethink the pot size. even with 5 gallon pots where I live watering would be daily especially If its sunny.


New Member
Water when they are dry. If it just rained, they aren't dry, so why water? As for nutes, just get a $5 rain guage from Lowes/Home Depot and make your self a chart. Growing outdoors is going to require you to become one with Mother Nature. You need to be the same page she is. Good Luck !!!!!!
Many tricks to consider outdoors, like using silicon water crystals, positioning the plant so later in the summer it has some shade during the mid day, and is open to wind and sun at dawn and dusk, if you can't bring the plants indoors at least offer them some cover ..does rain water affect nute levels ...yes but is no big deal, you will feed them again..?
How many inches of rain do you think would be unhealthy for the plant? Sometimes there are some pretty heavy rains at night.


Active Member
the rain will not hurt the plant so much once it is established. if it rains a lot it will just pour out your drainage holes in your pots. when they are budding mold would be your only worry. that can happen with humidity as well with big buds.

with 1-3 gallon pots you are only giving your plants 1-2 months good growth at which point they will stop growing well and your buds will suffer. if you have clones 1-3 would work if you planted late summer for only budding and no real veg. 1-3 gals is really tiny to start a plant and finish outside. if you don't believe me ask around, I'm just tying to help. 5 gals would be the smallest for a season and that is minimum for 3-4 months.


New Member
I was planning on changing them from a 1 gallon to a 5 gallon once they started to flower. They will be in a place that gets a good amount of breeze so it will be harder for mold to start right?


Active Member
yea a breeze will surely help. if i were you I wouldn't leave them in 1 gals for any more than a few weeks tops. they outgrow them quite fast especially outside. if you were to transplant them to the 5 gals within a month they wouldn't get root bound and stunt them any. also this will help so you don't have to water every 12-24 hours. a foot tall plant in a 1 gal is going to need water every day it is warm and sunny. the same plat in a 5 gal can go twice as long.

do you have to worry about them being seen? I understand if so I must hide mine as well. just trying to get an idea of what would work best.


Active Member
i would go with what is recomended on the bottle for feeding. i have only used a fox farm product for flower once, big bud it may have been called. with feeding it's definitly better to error on the side of less rather than more especially untill you are used to the product and how the plant responds. i always start out giving them 1/4 strength from bottles the first few weeks of feeding before trying full recomended strenght. and no nutes at all untill day 12-14 or so. this will not negatively affect them they do not require as much untill they have grown some.