fox farms nuits??


Active Member
for flowering do u guys just use one kind of nutes that is high in P and K or do u get 2 seperate ones during flowering that are high in P and then one high in K?


is this soil ready to go out of the bag for seedlings? My little ones are about ten days old and growth has been slow to none over the last three days? thinking its the soil?


Well-Known Member

Hey Dursky

I have both and like the solubles more, they give me much better results. Open Seaseme for the first 2-3 weeks to give the plant lots of nitrogen during transition; Beastie Bloomz until the final two weeks for bud production; Cha Ching the last two weeks for resin production. Tiger Bloom is great but I have better results with the 3 solubles.

FF doesn't have a line of supplements like Liquid Karma or H2. They're expensive but I get good results with Dark Energy, Hygorzome & Liquid Karma all through veg & flower and Big Bloom, Kool Bloom (soluble) and Overdrive during late flower. The value of supplements is arguable but I find they help. Perhaps they're a crutch for lack of growing skill and understanding but in the mean time they still work.

