fox farms nute problem? or tapwater?

Stop feeding them and watering them. No lime or calmag or anything. From now on you need to lower that ph to atleast 7 before watering. Did you physically see the gnats?
well I haven't ever "fed" them at all as I was relying on the nutes from soil for first 3 weeks..and I had one plant that either was just lame genes or a duck from the get go it showed the signs early on and never made it past second set of leaves.. I decided to give it the axe.. I pulled it up and stirred the dirt around with my hand and noticed some very very tiny black color things flying around.. I killed two or three.. bouight some organic insecticide for fruits.. I haven't used any yet.. was going to let dirt dry out well and see if they just die out that way..\
Stop feeding them and watering them. No lime or calmag or anything. From now on you need to lower that ph to atleast 7 before watering. Did you physically see the gnats?
well im happy to report that most of the plants are doing better.. I let my soil dry out and realized after looking at my watering journal I was retarded and way way over watered... with my water being poor "phing" @ 8.8 !! so I bought distilled water.. have been watering lightly and only when I feel I have to.. been exactly 1 month since I put seeds in dirt.. they are about 6-8 nodes tall and wanted to do some topping and was curious about when the right time to start feeding them would be.. they were transplanted into their massive containers on the 13th and I assume the soil would be nutritious enough for a few weeks and that date is rapidly approaching...any advice would be appreciated..
a few pics of the progress :)


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I'd wait another week or two and then top back a full node or two. That way your plants have some extra time to get strong and won't suffer as much stress when you actually top it. Are you gonna LST these? Scrog? Those pots are enormous. Have fun watering those monsters.
The problem with using that soil out of the bag is a few (besides thrips in every bag I get ha!)
Neither soil mix will provide much mg or calcium if you do straight water. The ocean forest is also slightly hot out of the bag for young plants.
Also the ph swings wildly in that dirt unless you use some dolomite lime.

IMHO good eye dude, i agree with your initial thoughts and the water didnt help!

I would recommend two cups of pulverized dolomite lime per bag.

Here is my mix I run straight water all the way through... You got some nice lights with a little work on your soil you'd be in a better place!

1 bag Ocean Forest + 1 bag Canna Coco + 1 bag Happy Frog
1/2 bag Chunky Perlite + 30 pounds of Earth worm castings
6 c Bone meal + 6 c pulverized dolomite lime 2-1 Cal/mag ratio
1.5 c Azomite + 2 c Blood meal + 3 c Kelp meal
well tony, I guess with all of that in your soil you could run it with just water all the way to finish, provided you don't cook your plants with it before the end. don't know why you add so much to soil that is already good. is this necessary? seems expensive.
Thanks for all the input guys.. tgis site has been a great help.. yes I spared no expense when it came to the lights.. ;-)
The o/f mix is Very warm... in week 6 since sprout and tried to add a tiny tiny amount of fert to my distilled water and instantly showed nutrient burn... so definitely very rich soil... got my temps down and also thinl the lights are super powerful... black dog recommends 35" heighth for veg with a 6x6 coverage area, bur I had to move up to 40... would definitely recommend those lighta foranyone looking to upgrade to led... I thinlI'm gonna move to hydro and scrog next.. seems hydro is easier..way less variables to contend with... here's some pix of the progress. . What u guys think?


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if those plants grow as they should, your space is way too small. also I'm afraid you're wrong about hydro being easier with less variables. hydro takes much more diligence and a decent ppm/pH meter to ensure it works right. you can grow without it but better to grow with it. nothing is going to be easier than a good soil grow because all you need to do then is water it.
Resin, I wonder if tony was just pulling our leg.
My space is to small? I was under the impression that 3 sq ft per plant would be plenty.. I'm growing 13 in a 60 sq. Ft. Grow space.. they just close together right now... and I bought both a ph and ppm meter.. digital.. top of the line stuff... and if u put in the right water then bam ur gokden where with soil u never know what ur getting and the soil makes your ph and nutes vary as where with hydro everything is in ur hands.. u don't Fuck up everything will be fine.. u can do everything right with soil and still hsve issues due to variables within your soil.. plus I think scrog would be hard to water with soil... correct?
No, I'm sorry but you're wrong. You're listening to people that don't know what they're talking about. Potting soil done right is the more secure way to grow. But many people try to control soil so much that they kill their plants without realizing what they've done wrong. Square root 60 sq. feet and you get 7.75 linear feet on both side of the right angle. This isn't bad but it might be too small and it's hard to tell from a pic anyway. Maybe it's enough.
soil doesn't make pH and nutes fluctuate, people just think it works like that. The soil is stable and it's when people make changes to it that it becomes unstable. What variables in soil are you referring to? scrog isn't harder to water with soil. you just water.
No, I'm sorry but you're wrong. You're listening to people that don't know what they're talking about. Potting soil done right is the more secure way to grow. But many people try to control soil so much that they kill their plants without realizing what they've done wrong.

Agreed! I think the majority of the problems people have are water related and people flip out everytime they see the smallest little mark on their leaves and over compensate with nutrients. Soil is the way to go IMO.
As far as variables... I was referring to thw fact that the manufacturer of the soil can't guarantee every bag is the same and even spots within the bag may be hotter than others.. plus when u water the "ph of the soil/runoff"( which still hasn't been made clear whether that makes a flying fuxk or not... literally half of everybody says it does and half say it doesn't,) that number changes quite a bit from pot to pot in my grow... so thay pretty much confirms my theory that from bag to bag soil is inconsistent
Thoughts? 20/4 light schedule No Nutes.. only distilled water.. temps 69-78 58% humidity steady.. week 6 since transplant20160321_113112.jpg
these are 2 different strains.. 3 different plants... ak-47 xtrm and Bianca.. AMS


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