Fox Farms Ocean Forest Rant


Well-Known Member
if no one has said this yet, put about a 1" layer of sand on your soil.. they can't get through that to lay their eggs.. works great.. just have to get rid of the adults and you will be aok!


I'm a first timer and I just planted my sprouts in pots filled with FFOF and I noticed those little gnat bastards an hour or two later. I think I'll give the vinegar a try. I don't know in what environment that FF mixes their soils in but they probably cannot help involving bugs in the products because there's so many organic ingredients that bugs are attracted to. The gnats probably like the worm shit and roadkill that's in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Ha, what do you want me to do? Take a picture of my receipt??

Use this next time and find a store near you that sells FF and stop paying 25 bucks a pop for dirt..
Not trying to start a flame but I would love to buy from this store if it's true.

I still call bullshit on $11 a large bag. I have 6 hydro shops in a 50 mile radius from where I live and not one of them sells it for less than $22 a bag.

I don't need to see a receipt. How about the hydro store where you purchased it? The shipping alone costs $$$$ for every bag. If this guy is selling large bags of FFOF on the east coast for $11 he can't be making any money. It doesn't make sense.

If it's that cheap and within 50 miles of me I would do the drive and still save $$$. So give a shout out for this hydro store owner cause he must be a sweetheart and I would buy off him in a second.


Active Member
Not trying to start a flame but I would love to buy from this store if it's true.

I still call bullshit on $11 a large bag. I have 6 hydro shops in a 50 mile radius from where I live and not one of them sells it for less than $22 a bag.

I don't need to see a receipt. How about the hydro store where you purchased it? The shipping alone costs $$$$ for every bag. If this guy is selling large bags of FFOF on the east coast for $11 he can't be making any money. It doesn't make sense.

If it's that cheap and within 50 miles of me I would do the drive and still save $$$. So give a shout out for this hydro store owner cause he must be a sweetheart and I would buy off him in a second.
Here's some pics.


Well-Known Member
lol nice pics bro. Is that an ACE hardware receipt?

Tell me where this store is, not the receipt!! If that is the everyday price for a big bag of soil you are one lucky SoB. Like I said I can't find a Hydroponics store within 50 miles of me that sells it for less than $22 a bag. Lucky bastid :eyesmoke:

We already know hydro stores are total ripoffs but that's a low price. Kinda reminds me of that Staples commercial where the guy yells out, "WOWWW, THAT'S A LOW PRICE!!!".

For that price I can drive 100 miles each way and still save money. I already drive 25 miles each way just to find the cheapest bag here at $22. That's $22 a bag and 2 gallons of gas at $3 each gallon. So 10 bags of soil = 22 x 10(soil) + 3 x 2(gallons of gas) = $226.

If I drove 100 miles each way and paid $12 a bag like you it would cost 12 x 10(soil) + 3 x 8(gallons of gas) = $144

Even with all the extra driving I would still save $82!! Damn!! :evil:

Give up the store!! :mrgreen:


Active Member
Haha, I'll never tellllll. And yes It's an Ace Hardware sticker but not a Ace Hardware Receipt. Figure that one out?!?:mrgreen: You realize I'm more than likely in a tooooootally different state than you.:roll:
To prevent fungus gnats this is what I do.

1. I try to let the soil get dry between watering. Good watering habits go a long way to preventing them .

2. I spray a solution of GoGnats and water on the top of the soil after every watering. GoGnats is just cedar oil and does not harm the plants. I mix 1 shot glass amount of it with about a half gallon of water. Enough so when I mist the soil surface I get a nice whiff of cedar in the air. GoGnats does not kill gnats. They can't stand the smell of cedar so they don't lay their eggs in the soil. Gognats will help prevent and slowly end a infestation.I swear by it.

Pests are a part of growing. I still remember my first time finding bugs. Now I know to plan for and prevent them.

Great answer, this is right on. I get a kick out of people who want to grow 100% organic but freak out if they see a bug or two... I use FFOF and I have had batches with gnats and I also see springtails swimming in my water when I flush. Springtails are beneficial. Don't fault the company for having bugs in their dirt its fucking dirt for christ sakes.


Well-Known Member
Haha, I'll never tellllll.
I figured you were a kid from the beginning. That answer proves it right there.

And yes It's an Ace Hardware sticker but not a Ace Hardware Receipt. Figure that one out?!?
I already have you figured out. Now I can have a good laugh.

You realize I'm more than likely in a tooooootally different state than you.:roll:
No I don't. At this point I don't care anymore. I know now that you are just a kid who got a break on one bag of dirt. You cant answer me because you know they don't sell it at that price. You caught a break one time. Golf clap for you kid.


It's still BS. The point here is that you still didn't name the store where you bought it from. Your receipt and picture proves nothing. I can put a sticker on a bag, check out at the register and buy something that was $11.99 and MAGIC, there is my receipt showing the price.

Until you come up with the store name that you bought it from your proof is meaningless. Figure that one out kid :roll:


Active Member
Ha, Nice. That's the way to get me to tell you the store name. So much for not wanting to start a flame. Sorry if I don't wanna out my store, state, and where I live. If you realllly care that bad, Pm me and I'll tell you. Or you could click on every state and call every store till you find that golden nugget like i did.


Active Member
ffof has been great for me a trick i started using is mix in some dawn soap with water and soak the dirt and let it dry in the pots before planting in it then before you plant in it flush with water. Works perfectly fine so far and havent seen any bugs at all. This can also be used when the plant is in veg but its a little hard on them. It did take them all out in one watering though


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt mites etc are in the soil when they come out of the factory. Notice how the bags have holes in them so they can "breath?" when the bags are outdoors in a nursery every day, some critters are bound to get in.

I've always sprayed for bugs every year, with soil and especially if you are outdoors, you're gonna have them. All it takes is a little time and maintenance to keep them in check.

Fox farms makes damned good soil for the purposes most on here use it for


Active Member
Bugs are going to happen in the garden sooner or later..Usually its about maintaining more so than always being out of them. Lady bugs do work great for bugs..since using them spider mites have been gone. Its really not a big deal...order some azamax and soil drench max dose. Azamax is not cheap but man it works hehe. I am gonna try the vinegar trick just for fun.


Active Member
as far as a large bag of FF. $11 bucks is a good price but where Im at most places sell it for $15-$16. Ive never seen it for $22. And if you go into your local Hydro store and you want to buy 5 bags or so..Just ask for a deal or if they can work you a deal. More often than not they will atleast give you a break. Just ask and you would be surprised what you can save in a hydro store


Well-Known Member
I have shitty soil and am upgrading to FF OF. But I have fungus gnats, have had them for a long time and I leave a glass of tea or something sweet next to my grow area, they drown themselves in it. But I was freaking out when I first found them, so I took my soil to the local hydro store and the guy said they do take nutrients from the soil but at the rate they die its not an issue. They're bodies are nutrients when they decompose according to the guy I talked to... anyone else think that sounds right?
nope the larva feed on roots. not to bad a problem for mature plants (think root pruning), unless you have a major infestation that is. Someone stated good watering habits is key to control. That's 100% right. Also someone said sand doesn't work that's wrong, but it has to be "sharp sand". Diatomaceous earth also works. as for chemicals SM-90 wipes them out