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400-LB Welfare Mooch Refuses Weight Loss Surgery Because of Benefit Loss

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600lb colorado woman leaves house for first time in three years
A colorado woman who weighs more than 600lb believed to be the heaviest in the country left her apartment for the first time in three years with the help of a forklift.

Fuck Buck, how much did the fork lift set you back? There was a picture of your wife but I left it out . Out of respect for spouses.

If you told on me they would think you were a confirmed idiot after they looked at my records. But I did think about laying my wife and my self off, so that would be another 1k per week from unemployment benefits . I will have to give that some thought. If I got all the free shit I could muster up I would never get free health care. fuck.

You got me thinking now, thanks.

if you did that, how high would your SUI rate go? you are talking about against your own company? most owners won't do that.
How can you break the rules yourself and condemn those that do at the same time?

I guess you are talking to me? If I broke a rule , please explain because the last time I looked I could hire and fire anybody I want. And my wife is a corporate officer of my S corp so she gets paid and pays her tax's and follows the letter of the law.

I don't make the rules, I just follow them .

Are other people breaking rules? Your post doesn't make sense really. What do I condemn? You should maybe rewrite your post so it makes sense. You know, kick start that diploma of yours and explain your self better.

I hope Bernie pulls this off. GO BERNIE GO. click on photo for full story.

Sanders Trumps Hillary

By Chris Stirewalt

Published August 10, 2015
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Look Who’s Talking: Bernie Sanders

nitro -

he will pull this off..he needs you to help..just your vote and to pass it along..word of mouth is the strongest referral out there..a bumper sticker = 12 votes FACT.

talk to your friends in hawaii and oregon..that's all you have to's that simple.

if you have a buck or two..send it in..look at your grandchildren's pics..aren't they worth this? what will we be leaving them?..
if you have a buck or two..send it in..look at your grandchildren's pics..aren't they worth this? what will we be leaving them?..
More debt .
You want to put the country in more debt and you want to do it in the name of grandchildren? The people who you are borrowing the money from with out asking ?
nitro -

he will pull this off..he needs you to help..just your vote and to pass it along..word of mouth is the strongest referral out there..a bumper sticker = 12 votes FACT.

talk to your friends in hawaii and oregon..that's all you have to's that simple.

if you have a buck or two..send it in..look at your grandchildren's pics..aren't they worth this? what will we be leaving them?..

Sky, The only Buck I would send at this moment would be the village super hero Poopy pants, but he must be tuning up the fork lift to help his wife take a dump.

And I have been talking about bernie with my friends. Nothing bad but if he can shut Hillary down I will have much respect for him. If Bernie can do that he will be on the radar . Its early so keep up the good fight.
Sky, The only Buck I would send at this moment would be the village super hero Poopy pants, but he must be tuning up the fork lift to help his wife take a dump.

And I have been talking about bernie with my friends. Nothing bad but if he can shut Hillary down I will have much respect for him. If Bernie can do that he will be on the radar . Its early so keep up the good fight.

sorry you're so obsessed with me.
Tell that to Bill Clinton.
Fiscal Year Year
Ending National Debt Deficit
FY1993 09/30/1993 $4.411488 trillion
FY1994 09/30/1994 $4.692749 trillion $281.26 billion
FY1995 09/29/1995 $4.973982 trillion $281.23 billion
FY1996 09/30/1996 $5.224810 trillion $250.83 billion
FY1997 09/30/1997 $5.413146 trillion $188.34 billion
FY1998 09/30/1998 $5.526193 trillion $113.05 billion
FY1999 09/30/1999 $5.656270 trillion $130.08 billion
FY2000 09/29/2000 $5.674178 trillion $17.91 billion
FY2001 09/28/2001 $5.807463 trillion $133.29 billion
Sky, The only Buck I would send at this moment would be the village super hero Poopy pants, but he must be tuning up the fork lift to help his wife take a dump.

And I have been talking about bernie with my friends. Nothing bad but if he can shut Hillary down I will have much respect for him. If Bernie can do that he will be on the radar . Its early so keep up the good fight.

his wife his height/weight proportionate.