Fox News


Well-Known Member
yeah, but who would search for information if everything is ready served by fox news?
they're news, the're on tv, they have great ratings, they must be legit then...
hell yes, they got a real life war I mean hero...a fanatical Mormon....A Hollywood Entertainment "reporter"...and freakin' Geraldo...where would Springer be...without Geraldo?

Here we go again with the 37th rank garbage. If you take out homicide and auto/transit fatalities from ALL the countries in the rankings, we rank FIRST. YES, FIRST. I could provide you with endless links to the studies and reports that prove this, but you wouldn't bother to look at them anyways... would you? Unless you're really going to argue that homicide and auto fatalities reflect on the quality of our health care system...REALLY??...CMON REALLY?
If you take out all the tar and nicotine, cigarettes are not really that bad for you and they are not even addictive!

Social Security is broke. $$$

Medicare is broke. $$$

The Post Office is broke. $$$

Fannie Mae is broke. $$$

Freddie Mac is broke. $$$

Government spending has us TRILLIONS in debt. $$$$

Hell yeah ... let's turn another 7% of the country's gross national production over to our liege lords in Washington to run!

Where is all this fiscal conservatism when we are dropping bombs and "nation building"? Why don't people jump up and down and act like fools and wanna get all constitutional about spending money on foreign soil?....but even the discussion of spending a fraction on actual US citizens gets cries of SOCIALISM!....Where the hell were the cries of IMPERIALISM!?

None of these idiots seems to be upset about adding to the debt to crush millions of perfectly good and paid for automobiles....what about the MILLIONS of replacement parts that have already been made for these crushed cars that will sit on the shelves and be thrown out. Conservatives do not seem to mind "socialism" when they can get a new car or some extra spending cash for retirement.

Has anyone given any consideration to the forgotten man in socialized medicine ... the doctor?

If this plan passes...I hear...Dr.'s will have to work 5 days a week! Not only that, but they will have to work for free as slaves to the regime...And they will try to kill your granny!

Most doctors want this to pass. They hate the system now, because it is a mess. The insurance companies are constantly telling them that the drugs or procedures that they want their patients to have are not going to be covered.

And if you talk with them ask them how much easier dealing with Medicaid/care is compared with other insurance companies.
Oh...that was a much more mature response to the Vi...Why are so so damn rational!!!

Good one.

That's not really fair though you can't say that because rush probably did crack a smile when he was addicted to oxy while raking drug addicts across the coals. I'm sure he was smiling about the irony of it there at some point but we just didn't see it.

Who's the trucker with the mullet and gold eagle pendant? The happy looking fellow? Doesn't look like the type that belongs in this group of photo's.
I think that is "Trucker Ted"
