Fox station apologizes to Black Lives Matter protester for editing chant to say ‘Kill a cop’


Well-Known Member
A Baltimore Fox affiliate station apologized to a Black Lives Matter protester on Monday after the station deceptively edited a chant by protesters to say “Kill a cop.”

According to Talking Points Memo, the chant, led by protester Tawanda Jones, actually said, “We won’t stop, we can’t stop, ’til killer cops, are in cell blocks.”

On Monday, Gawker noted the deceptive editing, juxtaposing Baltimore Fox station WBFF’s footage against actual footage from the protest event, which the site acquired via C-SPAN.

The Fox station apologized to the protesters and to Jones both on its Facebook page and in an interview with Jones.

The Facebook post claimed that the station’s engineers misheard what the protesters were chanting and called it an “honest misunderstanding.”
Consider the source, crybaby (meaning Bearkat).

By the way, 'killer' and 'kill-a' (ie killa mike)is all you (meaning black populace). You invented your own words, now you become, dare I say..slave, to them.
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No, they apologized for a reason. And Bernie lost.

In trying to make yourselves different, you've actually done the exact've set yourself up for profiling.

I know the color of Shaniqua and Juman (they don't even have to open their mouths but not April or Monica (black girls I know) one of which I was interviewed by several years ago had many phone calls with and never knew her color until I met her in person (which is the way it should be).

Attention black mothers! Do not name your children these will saddle them with a lifetime of professional profiling.

Don't believe me? There's an HBO documentary on the subject matter.
In trying to make yourselves different, you've actually done the exact've set yourself up for profiling.

I know the color of Shaniqua and Juman (they don't even have to open their mouths but not April or Monica (black girls I know) one of which I was interviewed by several years ago had many phone calls with and never knew her color until I met her in person (which is the way it should be).

Attention black mothers! Do not name your children these will saddle them with a lifetime of professional profiling.

Don't believe me? There's an HBO documentary on the subject matter.
Translation: Hide your blackness. Try to be more white!
You're probably too fucking stupid to realize how insulting that is. You white privilege obviously won't allow you to think clearly. To that, I'll just say: No fucking thank you! And Bernie lost.
man , they did that shit again . i love when msm tries to interview people and they tell them to fuck off. lol. In seattle when these protest first started up our local news would stay a block away saying that knowone wanted to be interviewed , yet you can here here the protestors a block away chanting "fuck " msm. it was hillarious. so thats twice they manipulated protestors worlds. to funny. devive and concor . whew. Corporate fascist news . gotta love it huh. lol. reminds me of the documentary "outfoxed " on youtube .a good watch ...all t.v. msm is an insult to peoples intelligence. I cant stand how they try to pull heart string wiht thier bullshit news. et people to fight with eachother. Fuck MSM !
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Hey white people stop naming your kids
Skyler, and Madison. People immediately assume that they are obnoxious, sheltered white kids in polos and pukka shells who drink and drive and have no clue about what's going on around them.
In trying to make yourselves different, you've actually done the exact've set yourself up for profiling.

I know the color of Shaniqua and Juman (they don't even have to open their mouths but not April or Monica (black girls I know) one of which I was interviewed by several years ago had many phone calls with and never knew her color until I met her in person (which is the way it should be).

Attention black mothers! Do not name your children these will saddle them with a lifetime of professional profiling.

Don't believe me? There's an HBO documentary on the subject matter.
Why is this so important to you? Does it offend your sense of white pride that a white parent would name their child outside of European-American norms or something? Does it make you nervous that a white woman named that way might have an advantage when you take your cougar act to the nightclub looking for some dark meat?
Hey white people stop naming your kids
Skyler, and Madison. People immediately assume that they are obnoxious, sheltered white kids in polos and pukka shells who drink and drive and have no clue about what's going on around them.
oh ya , you cabn name them shit like diamond . My fox watching brite white christian inlaws though i was black because my name is diamond . How the fuck they came to that conlcusion makes me wonder what the fuck is going on . lol . noly diamond dude i seen was a recent movie about a loving mother and her son diamond the baller. hilariouse. He;ll , my parentswere smugglers and ran a high class call girl service in hollywood . lol. so not my story. lol. I wonder if this other t.v. diamonds dad drug his mom and she woke up on a gurney in insanada mexico about to get an abortion. luckily she was to far along. whew. almost cancelled before i got started ,lol. love you too pop .lol.
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oh ya , you cabn name them shit like diamond . My fox watching brite white christian inlaws though i was black because my name is diamond . How the fuck they came to that conlcusion makes me wonder what the fuck is going on . lol .
Bro thats nothing compared to the clot of fucking discharges we have here. @NLXSK1 @StevieBevie @Flaming Pie @desert dude @OddBall1st. It's like the devils rejects of the klan's social outreach program.
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lol. man , her parents want to make me do shit like , when they ask my dogs name i say , oliie , with an "A' . get it. lol
man , they did that shit again . i love when msm tries to interview people and they tell them to fuck off. lol. In seattle when these protest first started up our local news would stay a block away saying that knowone wanted to be interviewed , yet you can here here the protestors a block away chanting "fuck " msm. it was hillarious. so thats twice they manipulated protestors worlds. to funny. devive and concor . whew. Corporate fascist news . gotta love it huh. lol. reminds me of the documentary "outfoxed " on youtube .a good watch ...all t.v. msm is an insult to peoples intelligence. I cant stand how they try to pull heart string wiht thier bullshit news. et people to fight with eachother. Fuck MSM !
What is devive and concor?
In trying to make yourselves different, you've actually done the exact've set yourself up for profiling.

I know the color of Shaniqua and Juman (they don't even have to open their mouths but not April or Monica (black girls I know) one of which I was interviewed by several years ago had many phone calls with and never knew her color until I met her in person (which is the way it should be).

Attention black mothers! Do not name your children these will saddle them with a lifetime of professional profiling.

Don't believe me? There's an HBO documentary on the subject matter.
who the fuck are you to tell someone what they can name their child ? People like you make this world a bad place with your stupidity
What is devive and concor?
Just what it says. Governments and msm use propaganda and hegelian dialectic to pit one againts another. To cause a division so they can fuck ya on the down low while your distracted. The government doesnt have to worry about you if your to bizzy choosing between coke and pepsi. or socialist verses fascist.
heres just one example.

the u.s. government likes using social anthroplogist to figure out peoples fears in other lands and controll them while opposing sides fight each other over thier social differences.Like Shia and Sunni , and so on. With disney its north verse south ,lol. or was that man againts woman ?
Translation: Hide your blackness. Try to be more white!
You're probably too fucking stupid to realize how insulting that is. You white privilege obviously won't allow you to think clearly. To that, I'll just say: No fucking thank you! And Bernie lost.
"by the way" fuck you pus bag
Why is this so important to you? Does it offend your sense of white pride that a white parent would name their child outside of European-American norms or something? Does it make you nervous that a white woman named that way might have an advantage when you take your cougar act to the nightclub looking for some dark meat?
who the fuck are you to tell someone what they can name their child ? People like you make this world a bad place with your stupidity

Hate the GAME not the playa..its not my fault that your little pukeheads will never accomplish anything without a socially acceptable name.

LaFawnduh will never be the name of ANY CEO.