Fox Talking about Princess Die Conspiracy Today?

let me get this simple as im from the uk she was killed and theyd do it again ova and ova because she was a threat to the goverment and the royal family she knew the truths and what they really are dianna was pure and wanted to change the world
the freemasons + goverment + royal family + illuminati was so scared of her they killed her just like tupac and anyone who speaks out

thats only if u belive tupac was setup which i do
my point exactly people need to realize we being controlled so bad . its that bad if u speak out u die so obviously this world is so corrupt that we need a change we need to get these bastards out of power and take back whats rightfully ours and that our true freedom soon the world is gonna be like BIG BROTHER u wont be able to go anywhere without being watch and its like that now anyways its just we losing more and more rights everyday and also 1 thing u gotta remember is THE GOVERMENT SERVES US NOT WE SERVE THE GOVERMENT we are the power we just seem to forget that and let them take ova
Spread the word then, explain the kinds of things I just explained and show the videos to people and get them to vote Ron Paul. He's the only candidate against all this stuff, and he has spoken out against it and plans to put an end to it as well, without all of us getting killed for trying to take over the world. We are already broke at this point, 14trillion in debt and heading off a cliff.

I would think it's time to give up and say ok, we were fucking assholes to the rest of the world because we thought it was our only way to not be destroyed, our leaders did what they thought was right for whatever reasons but now it's clear our fighting change has only made the situation worse and accept the change and that we can't control the world and have to deal with other countries fairly and honestly. Give up trying to dominate everyone because everyone will always fight that, it's human nature...

Ron Paul would do all those things and save our military and leaders from being killed right along with the rest of us.

Yes but even if they managed to pull off the nwo plan, after the fact they'd still have to control the whole world all the time, always looking over their shoulders and sattellites or no haarp or no, it's just never going to be possible to keep that going forever. Not even a few years. They may think all countries that count will work with them, but the big three or four at one point or another will each try to screw eachother out of ultimate control, probably whoever depopulates first looses. If not that, it wouldn't take too long before their bodyguards find out they don't care to guard them anymore or worse. The first people to die could be all of us but it would never stop there.

It's a loose loose situation for everyone, especially all leaders at the top and every corporation whos customer base will be cut to nearly nothing.

These guys must be brainwashed into even considering such a dumb move. They'd have to drive around in pope mobiles how much fun could that be and even still someone would always be taking shots at them with RPG's or something.

I'm sure their bodyguards would get out of the way and help aim in the not too distant future. Humans always will resist this kind of opression.
No mind control is failsafe, no implant chip can't be defeated or blocked or shorted or removed or never not just malfunction or get hijacked hacked or cracked.

Unwinnable any way you look at it.
Again, I was kinda with ya, but Illuminati? Sorry, I just don't buy it. But i AM enjoying these posts, so don't let me deter you! I want to read more lol
Hundreds of mentions of the illuminati even in our own government circles, a group can call themselves whatever silly name they like.
It doesn't have to mean anything, but it's probably just a term from the skull and bones society which many of our leaders are members, or bohemian grove where most are members, or common links between the two and more societies and fraternities, even if illuminati is just a code word for the haves vs the have nots.

if you search google for illuminati you get over 17 million hits. That should suggest there may be something to it.

if you look up "illuminati killed" on youtube, you'll get a decent list, and many of those people spoke directly and very very clearly about them before being killed. Coincidence?

Michael Jackson, Tupac, Elizabeth Tailor, MLK, JFK, Kurt Kobain, reporters, hell even John Lennon supposedly and the list goes on and on and on. Even if the only ones you believe are the ones you can watch videos from with their own words on the subject. I don't even know where to begin posting. Search any one you like on youtube and see what they say in their own words. Tupac was very clear about it, MJ was also very clear.
Whoever you want to listen to, whoever on the recent list of dead people you trust look them up.


They could call themselves "the happy lucky smiley fraternal group of rich guys who want to stay rich and get richer and avoid prosecution", it would't matter.

It's groups of people who want to get ahead and stay ahead and have silly handshakes and pat eachother on the back and put people that will further their interests into positions of wealth and power. These are the basic tennants of a fraternity on any scale. If you are a city leader let say, and you have a contract to award, it's not unusual that contract might go to a buddy or better yet someone from your old college fraternity or friend of a friend etc which would appear you have no real ties to. If all the people you know do the same for you and all your fellow old college buddies then you will all do quite well. Even if you are a complete idiot like say GWB you can win even a presidency that way via friends and friends of friends etc etc on down the line.

Traditionally it's called the good old boys club. The definition/translation of illuminati is "enlightened ones". Since it used to be only them who knew how they all worked together and scratched eachothers backs up until recently, when so many people began to speak out and get killed, I'd say the name fits. A sectret can only remain a secret for so long, and the cats out of the bag, the evidence is absolutely overwhelming if you look into it at all so the race is on... The internet and youtube specifically had to be a real source of concern for people like that, where all the evidence is stacked up in the same place and at the fingertips of every citizen on the planet.

JFK was always a man you could trust and no fool, and he warned us how many years ago yet look where we are today because nobody listened and took it seriously. It's so hard to believe and so vast people can barely wrap their minds around it even after they know it to be true.
Here is the patented meyers schematic for his hho generator, the announcer breaks it down as to how it worked to output enough hho to run an engine without requiring the high amounts of energy to split the gasses out that previous dc methods of electrolysis used. (If anyone cares now would be a good time to d/l all info like this before it dissapears or we loose access to the internet.)

There is enough info out there already with this part and the hho generator parts for the right persons to put it all together.

I just meant there is a lot of talk about it and all those people aren't nuts. And I did use the word maybe...

Seriously though, did you hear what JFK said above, all he didn't do was give them a name and then he died shortly after. MJ spoke out about them, you can look that up, then he died, Elizabeth tailor was one of MJ's few friends and soon after MJ died she died. I didn't bother to look up if she said anything about them but whatever you get the idea.

Tupac didn't fuck around he flat out talked and sang about them, and even used the word illuminati often and that got him killed quick. You'll hear the words illuminati etc in a few of his songs. Here listen to illuminati in these lyrics: Song name "killuminati"...

Set aside your hatred for Glenn Beck, I don't like him either, but listen to Ron Paul.
This is hard to swallow, but oh well give it a chance there are interesting things in it if you are finally coming around enough to hear it.

Just a cool song
I just meant there is a lot of talk about it and all those people aren't nuts. And I did use the word maybe...

Seriously though, did you hear what JFK said above, all he didn't do was give them a name and then he died shortly after. MJ spoke out about them, you can look that up, then he died, Elizabeth tailor was one of MJ's few friends and soon after MJ died she died. I didn't bother to look up if she said anything about them but whatever you get the idea.

Tupac didn't fuck around he flat out talked and sang about them, and even used the word illuminati often and that got him killed quick. You'll hear the words illuminati etc in a few of his songs. Here listen to illuminati in these lyrics: Song name "killuminati"...
if u dont belive in illuminati just jump off a cliff now coz ur that blinded u mite aswell die

No just make the best of the time you have left, cause death may be all taken care of for you already. New Madrid Fault Line or a tornado or a flood or volcano or cancer or starvation or war, who knows what.

Enjoy life while we can, all of us. Especially stupid people, redundant average workers, slackers, potheads, etc, because to be perfectly honest there may not be much use for you or me in the new world order and if you are not wealthy and don't have some special use... Your chances may not be so good.

My odds surely aren't looking good with me talking out so much. And then there's the side of me who's life goal would be to want to build that hydrogen meyers car and grow record beaking amounts of weed, both which I have the skills for, but both which only makes my odds even worse. And so I'm broke, and I'm totally totally screwed. :)

I seroisly should have put my life to better use earlier. :(
this thread got out of control quick...

it was funny to read the slow rise to a climactic, almost orgasmic peak of insanity... lol...
this thread got out of control quick...

it was funny to read the slow rise to a climactic, almost orgasmic peak of insanity... lol...

You haven't even heard the rest of the plan yet are you done already?
I've practically spoon fed everything needed to see what's going on, yet still...

at what time are you gonna start THINKING that there are alot of bullshit theories going around?
seriously your bringing shapeshifting reptilians to the table and you tell US to think?????

You haven't even heard the rest of the plan yet are you done already?
I've practically spoon fed everything needed to see what's going on, yet still...


Tupac didn't fuck around he flat out talked and sang about them, and even used the word illuminati often and that got him killed quick. You'll hear the words illuminati etc in a few of his songs. Here listen to illuminati in these lyrics: Song name "killuminati"...

i think your alright oregenmeds but you need a bit of critical thiking at times

otherwise you'l just end up like folks at daivid icke forum
I don't buy the reptilian thing where did you get that? I do think maybe some of them believe it though, there does seem to be a trend like they think their bloodline really is special in some say like hitler thought about aryans. It did have me wondering for a while at first, I must admit, but i never actually bought it only considered it because everything seemed so damn crazy otherwise. It's still hard to wrap your mind around all this crap.

I posted that above for the illuminati references. I do recognise the bs about aliens, and know all about project bluebeam, and the reason for the UFO and new age movement, that all just ties back into bluebeam.

But along the way I did get some good entertainment from them, the seers, and have posted many of their things becase they do have insight into the plan especially since bluebeam gave it to them first hand, and I have talked about it before.

Do you believe in the depopulation plan though? I do... Too many of us to control otherwise, and even Bill Gates talked about it quite seriously I might add and on TED no less, that's a serious intelletual forum I've always loved.
Here is the whole thing, you'll find it shocking to see a capatalist want to reduce 90% of his customer base if you haven't seen this before.
Bill gates talk on innovating to zero:

If it's my belief in meyers like fuel cells for hydrogen car conversion you question, well, we will just have to disagree there.
i don't buy any of this crap.

the 'evidence' is faulty, the dots are not as connected as they make them seem, and most of the issues discussed in the videos are independent from one another.

that's what i think.

and that last video with bill gates has to do with statistical evidence showing that low mortality rates brought on by access to vaccines and good health care decrease new birth rates.

but nevermind, just because YOU think it's a conspiracy.....