This is new? Her humiliating herself.
Actually all right wing propaganda is amped and I blame Clear Channel and the MercersFox is losing their minds, I am almost positive one of their 'enraged' talking heads just read the word 'feltch' while reading a random troll tweet at Tim Scott in an effort to get their cults righteous anger all whipped up.
It was sandwiched in between their sarcastic filled soundbite snowflakes for max impact.
It is really hard to watch how hard they are trying (and sadly succeeding) in turning their viewers into real life perpetuating propaganda trolls. They have really dialed it up.
It shows, they are really pushing their masking trolling. They actually are saying that Biden was irresponsible for wearing a mask in a room with 200 or so people in it. It is insanity.Actually all right wing propaganda is amped and I blame Clear Channel and the Mercers
If the GQP doesn't get their way they are prepared to destroy our nation
I am not really sure what he is 'moving left' on though. When did taking care of kids become a far left position?As a moderate Dem I don't mind Joe drifting to the left a bit,
AOC is just hyped because the Right wing media circus knows she is a good looking educated woman of color and that is just catnip for their audience to get all riled up about.I just hope he is not pulled to far by the likes of AOC etc because the Reps will sure as hell run with that ball.
This is my big worry too. Getting any power with these treasonous liars in the Republican party is just going to stop any ability to get anything done that we need.leaving the Reps an opening to take back either the Senate or the House is inconceivable to me at this time now that their treasonous,seditious ways have been put in plain view.
I think Manchin (as much as it drives me nuts) is what is going to help the Democrats win the Senate and House in 2022 if they do.So please Joe don't feed these vile people any unnecessary ammunition, use what means you need to push through legislation without bi partisanship when you have to and Manchin is just grandstanding for attention sometimes realizing his powerful position, but don't fall off the left side of the earth because it will feed the now disgusting Rep party a platform to run on.ccguns
coddle the rich?AOC was full of piss+vinegar when she first arrived and had to be "talked to" by Nancy to bring her in line as she was being divisive within the party, I don't hate her and she is a attractive women IMO its just that she is kind of militant in regards to taxation and wealth redistribution. I def think the rich and corps. need to pay more than the Cheetoman rate cuts and the RIS needs to be strengthened to catch the games they play w/money to cheat the govt. I was never into demonizing or making some of these people the enemy though because I believe this can stifle innovation,invention,and investment at a critical time in history,I don't want adversaries developing critical tech before us. I don't care tell the rich since their platinum club taxpayers that they can have a stretch of new highway named after them or give them a gold stamp on their ID's stating they pay a ton of tax and are patriotic Americans,point is you catch more flies w/honey than w/vinegar and the adversarial approach to taxing some powerful people turns them off and undoubtedly makes them cheat more. The us vs. them approach has divided the country and plays right into the hands of our adversaries. The fortunate need to be told that hey this country has been good to you and you need to pay more tax,but your not the enemy,and even w/higher rates you're still rich and privileged and have more than average Americans do so what's the problem,you can't be mean and spiteful to the land in which you accrued all your wealth, if you demand recognition the govt. can establish a gold club of elite tax payers just as charities do if it makes them feel better.ccguns
Cultural myth: Happy Days went into decline after "Jumping the Shark".Fox is losing their minds, I am almost positive one of their 'enraged' talking heads just read the word 'feltch' while reading a random troll tweet at Tim Scott in an effort to get their cults righteous anger all whipped up.
It was sandwiched in between their sarcastic filled soundbite snowflakes for max impact.
And when they opened up with their Rudy getting raided segment, they opened up with a 'But Hunter', then name dropped Hunter a handful of times in what Rudy was cooking up with the Russians (although they left that part a lot more obscure) instead of what Giuliani was doing that was illegal, and then had a 'but Hunter' story about how he is doing a speaking gig about fake news propagation at some university being the real problem.
It is really hard to watch how hard they are trying (and sadly succeeding) in turning their viewers into real life perpetuating propaganda trolls. They have really dialed it up.
It is almost like they know they are losing their ability to keep their legitimacy and are just all in on the lies.
I can see it. They are pretty desperate to push their lies.Cultural myth: Happy Days went into decline after "Jumping the Shark".
Actually, happy Days lasted seven years after Fonzy jumped the shark. Ratings even went up the following year. Sure, they were culturally irrelevant but the writers seemingly could do no wrong. The show survived. Other cringe-worthy events such as The Fonz kissing a nun (who said she wanted it), a segment that features an Irish musical set in the past with horrible American Irish accents, The Fonz attending his own funeral dressed as an Italian widow, and other cultural non-events (queue canned laughter).
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They stuck around, made plenty of cash, sold Charmin and whatever else was being hawked back then. But they were culturally irrelevant.
So, now this. Kayleigh Mc Enany bemoaning the "divisive actions of this president" mere months after she was forced out of her role as the mouth of Sauron. Now she's on Fox and (I think) people have started to laugh at them. This abortion propaganda, I fear, shows that the Faux News variety show has the same life as Happy Days and will serve up the same kind of pap for years to come in order to sell adult diapers. But their cultural significance, perhaps, is on the wane.
I don't know if it's coddling the rich,I work at a private high end golf course so I see more than my share(some good some bad),I was just throwing some stuff out there because things are so adversarial now and there has to be better ways to make the wealthy pay their fair share without a us vs. them vibe things are already broken in so many pieces in the US that i wish there were ways to put it back together without outright hostility as I believe it makes our country more vulnerable than it has been in a long time, I've never been a very political person until the Cheeto Administration came along and just outright lit a fire in me and made me want to vomit, making me incredulous at the people who actually STILL support him after everything they've seencoddle the rich?
I call bullshit on the 15% 'far left' controlling any narrative. It sounds good and all, but outside of Talib who I think is very likely a troll like what's her name from Hawaii, I question if any Democratic politicians would be found if we were to actually listen to the entire speech and not selectively edit soundbites.The situation now w/ a new Pres.that 40% of the country still does not think is legitimate is incomprehensible to me and a absolute gift to all adversaries of the US. The extreme 15% far right and 15% far left is controlling the narrative and in such a diverse country their views will never be recognized, we need to get back to negotiating and compromising to get things done all the while knowing that nobody is ever going to get 100% of their agenda it's really as simple as that in a country like the US, politicians used to live in Washington and knew opposite party members who disagreed but did'nt hate and actually talked to each other this is gone now a product of another era , now they're more concerned w/posing on social media and can't even be in the same room together in some cases,with no price to pay for acts of sedition and these people still in congress how does it ever get fixed?,meantime the world watches the US implode from within and I observe w/a sense of forboding.ccguns
I would think it is helpful to realize that the wealthy are reinvesting in our nation. The better we all do, the better they will do.I don't know if it's coddling the rich,I work at a private high end golf course so I see more than my share(some good some bad),I was just throwing some stuff out there because things are so adversarial now and there has to be better ways to make the wealthy pay their fair share without a us vs. them vibe things are already broken in so many pieces in the US that i wish there were ways to put it back together without outright hostility as I believe it makes our country more vulnerable than it has been in a long time, I've never been a very political person until the Cheeto Administration came along and just outright lit a fire in me and made me want to vomit, making me incredulous at the people who actually STILL support him after everything they've seen
and the unfathomable lack of courage by the rep. party to be done w/him, I now watch the news w/a sense of dread and peril and I am beginning to not recognize my country anymore.ccguns
Fox is losing their minds, I am almost positive one of their 'enraged' talking heads just read the word 'feltch' while reading a random troll tweet at Tim Scott in an effort to get their cults righteous anger all whipped up.
It was sandwiched in between their sarcastic filled soundbite snowflakes for max impact.
And when they opened up with their Rudy getting raided segment, they opened up with a 'But Hunter', then name dropped Hunter a handful of times in what Rudy was cooking up with the Russians (although they left that part a lot more obscure) instead of what Giuliani was doing that was illegal, and then had a 'but Hunter' story about how he is doing a speaking gig about fake news propagation at some university being the real problem.
It is really hard to watch how hard they are trying (and sadly succeeding) in turning their viewers into real life perpetuating propaganda trolls. They have really dialed it up.
It is almost like they know they are losing their ability to keep their legitimacy and are just all in on the lies.
Actually all right wing propaganda is amped and I blame Clear Channel and the Mercers
If the GQP doesn't get their way they are prepared to destroy our nation
I call bullshit on the 15% 'far left' controlling any narrative. It sounds good and all, but outside of Talib who I think is very likely a troll like what's her name from Hawaii, I question if any Democratic politicians would be found if we were to actually listen to the entire speech and not selectively edit soundbites.
I don't even know if I know what is a 'far left' talking point. Fox basically calls everything and anything that is not Trumptasitic 'far left'.