Foxfarm ocean forest


Well-Known Member
I have two questions about the foxfarm ocean forest soil. When transplanting clones.

1> Is Ph pre adjusted? If not what should I do to adjust it

2> should you wait to fertililize for a while since it already has nutrients in the soil.


Well-Known Member
1. Yes

2. Yes. They say you can wait at least 6 weeks before adding any nutes yourself. I started at week 4


Well-Known Member
Do they carry Happy Frog soil, where you get your OF?

I've had my best results mixing OF/HF 50/50%. One lg bg of each.

I add 1 cup of Dolomite lime to each mix.

The reason I add the Dolomite is because I was seeing a Mg deficiency about 1/2 way through flowering. Not because of the PH of the soil.

I start top dressing with Bat Guano at 3 to 4 weeks.

I guarantee this combo will work well for you.


Well-Known Member
I use happy frog with no problems. I don't add a thing. Don't add nutes until week 4, and then at half strength every other watering.