Foxtailing...good or bad?


I have 2 SLH plants that are foxtailing sumpin wicked. I think the reason is that they are taller than the light so I bent them over to keep them under it and the colas started sending out "shoots" upward. They are in week 8 of flowering. Will this produce more or less? Thanks in advance!


Rebel From The North
yes it will produce more but theres a point of no return on the potency of your plants buds watch your trichs color that extra isnt worth a not so stony weed


yes it will produce more but theres a point of no return on the potency of your plants buds watch your trichs color that extra isnt worth a not so stony weed
Thanks Hellraizer, have u had this happen to u?

Anyone else have an opinion or experience with this?

jeff f

New Member
foxtails are a result of breeding. certain strains foxtail, others dont. i grow a mixed farm under one light. a plant cloned from a foxtailer, will always foxtail. clones from non foxtails will never foxtail. and they are side by side under same light, same ferts, same soil etc.

pick the bud when its ripe regardless of foxtails.


Well-Known Member
Jeff is spot on. Foxtailing is just something some plants to and others dont. It's not a sign of this or that nor is it negative or positive, it just happens to some strains/phenos.