Fractus is back for a second styro-grow!


Well-Known Member
My previous and first grow attempt can be found here:

It is the same box as it was by the end of the last grow but with slight modifications.

For those who aren't familiar with it, it's made of two styrofoam coolers sitting inverted on each other, with 5x23watt CFL's (4x6500K + 1x3500K in the center just for the hell of it), a 4inch axial exhaust fan pushing approx. 100CFM with attached carbon filter, and two passive intake holes at ground level. The cords have been more neatly arranged than before, as you will see.

One main difference is this: No more timer. This is now strictly a veg box that will be running 24 hours a day for two plants, until they mature - after which, I will be posting the schematics of the flowering box. It is a white wardrobe-style cabinet made of pressboard, with plenty of ventilation and air circulation, carbon filter built into the exhaust, and a 150watt HPS light on a system that easily adjusts to the height.

Four marijuana seeds of unknown origin are germinating now, as of 6 hours ago. Assuming half of them crack, the first two to sprout will be dropping into the veg styrobox. After that, i'm hoping for at least one female. And after that, I'm going to need to learn how to clone.

I want this to be considered an open thread where anyone with questions or advice or suggestions or comments is free to speak his/her mind. This is another learning experience for me. Thanks again for everything I've been taught so far! I hope to see some familiar names this time too :P


Active Member
very likey.
as a group, id have to say we (stoners) are pretty smart. i mean, would someone whos not stoned think this up?

Tyler Durden 77

Active Member
pretty friggin setup... minimal overhead with a quality product. and they say marijuana robs u of ambition? Shit... thats inginuity at its finest! Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
Wat up fractus! NICE setup! thats fukin kool lookin! SUB'd fer this one man, OH im FuZZyBuDz BTW.;-)


Well-Known Member
Glad to see some newcomers as well! And getting positive feedback before the plant is even in the dirt haha. Speaking of which, I challenge someone to find a way to do this 'practically' using hydroponics instead of dirt, after all, styrofoam coolers are designed to retain moisture right? :) Where there's a will (and a stoned ingenious mind), there is a way.

Tyler Durden 77

Active Member
okay first let me apologize for changing the subject... but i have a oppertunity for improvement. I cant load my pics from my iphone cuz i deleated itunes like an ass and dont want to loose my music so i havent re installed it. I digress, got a pretty clean setup 2 600 hps workin ?? plants.. can email u pics if u wanna help. but trying to get the best results think i shoulda not been so greedy but hey thats why u call us newbs rite? please help am very humble and would appreciate any input! Happy Growing.


Well-Known Member
First of all, Fight Club is the best movie ever made. Secondly, if you post what issue or questions you have about what you would like to do or know regarding your setup, I'm sure someone here will gladly help you solve your dilemma. This will be my first grow using an HPS and I'm starting much smaller than you. If all you need is help thinking outside of the box, I can surely come up with something. If it's something requiring an experienced grower to answer, you may need to direct your question to one of the others that will surely be monitoring this thread. Cheers :)

I checked out your link dude, and I see exactly what you did and how that concept could apply to a styrofoam box lol. You should try it :P For this run I'm sticking to soil, eventually I'll be experimenting with hydroponics, I'm sure. Assuming I don't discover a better and easier container for it, it just may happen.


Well-Known Member
Oh and here is something else to take note of. The cabinet that will be housing the flowering plants and the HPS light belongs to another grower on RollItUp, actually it would be the one who told me about this site. No worries guys, he's my best friend of 8 years and we both know what's going on. Maybe you will recognize his cabinet once we get it fully assembled and post some pictures. We both did our own thing while living far apart, and had semi-successful first grows and now we have put our systems together for an efficient setup. We will be splitting costs of any additional supplies needed, as well as the cost of the power, and we'll be splitting the resulting yield although I'm sure we will be putting most of it to use together haha. This operation takes place at his residence, not mine. He will be keeping an eye on it when he's home, and when he isn't, I'll be checking in.

Last I heard, those seeds haven't cracked. I'll be keeping this thread updated.


Well-Known Member
Dude take note of the voltage and current that the fan runs on, and go to any general electronics store and get an AC/DC adapter that suits the voltage/amperage of your fan. That's how I matched my computer fans to begin with. Now I have the bigger fan that runs on 110V AC, so all I had to do was plug it in to the wall with a normal power cord. Best of luck! If you need me to expand on that just PM me, I'd be glad to help. Cheers!


Well-Known Member

Sorry I've been neglecting RIU lately, I've just been busy and travelling/working a lot. However, I have been documenting what's been going on the whole time so I'm going to get you all caught up right now.

I germinated 4 seeds in wet paper towel. All of them sprouted, 1 was significantly earlier, and the other 3 came later. Two seeds were tossed at the end, I only want 2 for now. So this is where it starts, obviously one seed was planted before the other.

Jan. 22: First seed goes in the soil.
Jan. 25: First seedling breaks through the soil.
Jan. 27: Second seed gets planted. (for your reference, the first seed is the one on the right side of the box in the pictures)
Jan. 30: Second seedling breaks through soil.

Check out the pics, tell me what you think.

Jan 27: You can see the first one poking out.

Feb 4: You can see #2 trying to play catch-up.

...And the next morning..

...And one more day...

Feb. 7: Now this is where things get interesting. Plant #1 (on the right) is growing quickly and has a 5 day head start on the other. But notice the leaf configuration... 3 sets of leaves per node instead of 2! Obviously this is not normal, but is it good or bad? Either I'm getting 50% more bud sites, OR it's a hermie and I should kill the bitch. Any thoughts on this?



Well-Known Member
3 leaved plants occur... nothing to do with sex...:razz:

Keep her up until you see sex organs...:lol:



Well-Known Member
Well I'm using a hygrometer and I wait for the soil to reach almost the bottom of the scale before I water. They look droopy in this picture because I had just watered and there is the weight of the water hanging off of the leaves as well. And I learned from my last grow that I am not supposed to get water on or around budsites so I will be avoiding that when the time comes. Here's a pic before I watered them to show the difference:

Notice the difference in relative humidy before and after watering. The warmth of the lights keep the humidity up so I usually can tell if they need to be watered based on the humidity.


Well-Known Member
those still look over-watered man. u should be waiting until the soil is ALMOST COMPLETELY dry. i use the pick up method, ill wait till its almost completely dry (u can check by pokeing the top of the soil a few inches deep with ur finger, then poke ur finger throo the drainage holes to make sure) then water til u have about 30% runoff, then pick the pot (or in ur case styrofome) and feel the weight of it. wen its dry again do the same. by about the 5th or 6th time u got it down.