Franco's Ongoing Grows

hehe..... no they are small..... got way fucked up cuz I had to move and dude didn't take care of them...... just luck so far as the bugs.... :) So far all I have seen are lady bugs and praying mantyses........ just passing through, :)

Well i sure hope you dont have caterpillars... you wont see them till its too late.

by the time youve seen 1 to 1-1/2 inch worms your shit is ruined.

see what happens is the butterflies/moths come around and lay eggs when your buds are first forming... the buds kinda act like an incubator and grow around the eggs... when those eggs hatch then the little 2 mm worms start eating there way around... usually going UP towards your most precious buds... by the time they have gotten out of your bud and you can see them they have already shit all inside your buds... which then in turn rot your buds...

Im just saying... you wont know till its too late.... so spray early and often.

good luck!
Well i sure hope you dont have caterpillars... you wont see them till its too late.

by the time youve seen 1 to 1-1/2 inch worms your shit is ruined.

see what happens is the butterflies/moths come around and lay eggs when your buds are first forming... the buds kinda act like an incubator and grow around the eggs... when those eggs hatch then the little 2 mm worms start eating there way around... usually going UP towards your most precious buds... by the time they have gotten out of your bud and you can see them they have already shit all inside your buds... which then in turn rot your buds...

Im just saying... you wont know till its too late.... so spray early and often.

good luck!

That's the best explanation I've heard in a long time Franco.:hump:
That's the way it goes down, no control=the risk of shitty rotten buds. I think this year is gonna be even worse by the number of moths and butterflies I've been seeing.
with the introduction to neem oil to my grow, i will use it on all my small plants, just as a precaution. stuff works amazing for indoor use. its an all natural way to deter, fungus, molds and insects. my plants love it!

think ill make a thread. about my new on goings!
That's the best explanation I've heard in a long time Franco.:hump:
That's the way it goes down, no control=the risk of shitty rotten buds. I think this year is gonna be even worse by the number of moths and butterflies I've been seeing.

I hear ya man... Ive been hunting them down... Took a few down with a shovel.... LOL>.. luckly i have a garden next to the plants so i just have to wait til it rests on one of the watermelon leafs or something... then BAM!

with the introduction to neem oil to my grow, i will use it on all my small plants, just as a precaution. stuff works amazing for indoor use. its an all natural way to deter, fungus, molds and insects. my plants love it!

think ill make a thread. about my new on goings!

Im gonna have to check that out... Havent had any spider mites yet (cross my roach clips) so i havent bought any... but i guess if it doesnt hurt the plant and it has benefits like you speak of... then i dont know why i havent been using it all along...LOL

lookin good franco just jumpin in to follow ur thread now. good lookin garden and well spaced out. wish i couldve spaced mine more haha. but im along for the ride

-scribed and rep+
So not much of an update.... Just mad as hell... frustrated....

Im giving in... my freaking dog... because he seems to be more of a person type of dog (meaning he likes to kick it with humans) than a dog type of dog... He feels like its a good idea to hurl over the fence... and land on my big 5 foot tall 4 foot wide bush...he has done it 3 times in the last weekend and all three times he knows he has done something wrong... takes his beating! and then just chills in the bushes down on the other end of the property.... I just dong get it... He knows its wrong... he knows hes gonna get his ass kicked... and yet he rathers have that attention than the little i was giving him.... i have 2 other dogs outside that do fine... sure they are my older dogs.... but i just never have seen such defiance. LIke i said... its not like he doesnt come tell on himself...

I spoke it over with the wife and some of my people that have dogs and they agree... even the breeder that i got the pit agreed.... he just wants to be with me... So i have brough him in... he listens great.. just follows me everywhere i go chillin next to me chewing on his bones or something... sleepin.... just chillin.... great dog and i dont want to get rid of it.... but if he is this stuborn... I guess its better than some of the cases the breeder told me about... these dogs seem to be little escape artists...

Sorry guys/gals... I just had to vent this shit out... here are some pics of the back yard today....


The Flowering has started on the purps

ya my buddy has a boxer puppy i hooked him up from a breeder and tehy love to jump but u kinda got a lil serious issue so training def will help goodluck! the trees r lookin great! thnx for the update
franco the plants still look awesome.

as for the dog, remember he wont learn unless you catch him in the act, other than that, just reinforce the positive. if he is in the garden with you and being good, give him lots of lovin, and treats. as soon as he disobeys, seclude him, not so much punish. if all he wants is to be with you, its the worst punishment he can get.

maybe he is jealous! lol man's best friend, weed or dog. tough choice.

take care man.
franco the plants still look awesome.

as for the dog, remember he wont learn unless you catch him in the act, other than that, just reinforce the positive. if he is in the garden with you and being good, give him lots of lovin, and treats. as soon as he disobeys, seclude him, not so much punish. if all he wants is to be with you, its the worst punishment he can get.

maybe he is jealous! lol man's best friend, weed or dog. tough choice.

take care man.

exactly my aproach bro... and exactly my thoughts as far as the jealousy... he just wants to be around his master... hes just chillin right now under the table as im getting Hig..... WTF... thats it.... he just wants to get high with me ... lol

I just got back from the MJ store because i dont have shit ready and was stopped at the local winco with my dog Franco and this guy... hehehe.. if it would have been the old this skinny white guy with a shaved head is walking across the parking lot... he has a maroon shirt hanging on one side of his chest walking like a cholo towards the sidewalk im standing on.... it felt like i was back in highschool... he just kept looking at me... I was just about to say something ghetto like What the fuck you looking at puto... when i saw his bud leaf tattoo on his arm... I just kinda sat there doing the whole staring contest and he put on his shirt and went inside... the maroon shirt is from the store... winco... so he must work there ya dig...

anyway... I just thought that maybe... just maybe he was a fellow riu dude that recognized me because of my dog. ... so if your out there dude... sorry i didnt wave you over and just ask you... im trying to get my dog used to humans and taking him out places with lots of noise ... but he is still kinda mean to new people...

in any case... I go to that winco all the time and now i know what you look like... so if you read this please add a comment so i dont look like a wierdo when i approach you at your

good luck peeps...
well I have been getting some really nice frosting on the 8 miles and the purps.... The purps are winning as far as frosting... but the 8 miles high is fat as hell..donkey slong for sure.

here are some pics... hope yall enjoy these buds as much as my eyes doo...



and the 8 miles high...



and that is the outdoors these days.
