Well-Known Member
hehe..... no they are small..... got way fucked up cuz I had to move and dude didn't take care of them...... just luck so far as the bugs....So far all I have seen are lady bugs and praying mantyses........ just passing through,
Well i sure hope you dont have caterpillars... you wont see them till its too late.
by the time youve seen 1 to 1-1/2 inch worms your shit is ruined.
see what happens is the butterflies/moths come around and lay eggs when your buds are first forming... the buds kinda act like an incubator and grow around the eggs... when those eggs hatch then the little 2 mm worms start eating there way around... usually going UP towards your most precious buds... by the time they have gotten out of your bud and you can see them they have already shit all inside your buds... which then in turn rot your buds...
Im just saying... you wont know till its too late.... so spray early and often.
good luck!