freaked out

I hope your legal.
You really should move it in or your gonna be very sad come harvest time.An alarm isn't gonna stop some dumbass kid from hoping the fence ripping the plant out and running away with it.
If your gonna leave it out there you should invest in some viscious looking dog.
Ok so I got the ultimate plan for ya.

1) Go to the local Surplus supply store and tell em you want a few marble poppers and disco biscuits.(claymore and pressure mines). Trust me they will know what your talking about.
2) Set up a defensive perimeter around your plant, make sure the part that says "This side facing enemy" is facing away from your plant.
3) Set up some signs in your front yard that look like this
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This way if they do come back all you will have to do is say hey I warned them.
4) It may be a good idea to place some plastic in the back yard as a claymore will turn a person into a slice of pink swiss cheese and can make for a strenuous clean up.
5) Enjoy the safety that explosives bring to the American cannabis garden.
Some people put broken glass glued to the fence... Looks real pretty lol. Also friend put carpet tacking board on fence...that shit hurts! Motion detection lights that look like gun scopes r scary...I don't know how effective! That's why I got 2 pitbulls & a boxer. Glad u moved it... Goodluck sister!
it seems strange to me that someone would grow a plant in a place where people would so easily see it. i am unfamiliar with the area which you live in so it may be different. to me it seems like parking your car on a busy street with your wallet open in plain view on the front seat; its just a matter of time before you get ripped off. now that you know that people know about your plant, i would be nervous every time i left the house. it is only a matter of time before some asshole kid steals it.
I hate to say it but they will eventually steal it for sure. Like others have pointed out, kids talk, and there is always those 1 or 2 scumbag kids who don't care and will still a marijuana plant any chance they get. Even if it doesn't have any buds on it they will still steal it.

I recommend a driveway alarm (or perimeter alarm) Home_driveway_alarm.png

I might even put up a camping tent at night to make it look like you are camping out to protect your plant.
I don't understand the point of stealing someone else's plant? You can get a plant at the store for $10 or $15. It's not expensive and my plant is off season, it's not really progressing. If they stole it, they would probably be in for a let down. Plus it's from bag seed, it will probably end up a hermie. I am growing it out to learn but I don't expect much from it.

I also think they would break their neck trying to get it down from where it is located. I would hate to see the news about that, "kid breaks neck trying to steal plant off balcony". I think barbed wire or glass would be a good idea for the fence but honestly, I would feel bad if someone got hurt. I moved her, hopefully I can still put her out for sun during the day.
What a bummer, and a heavy load to be moving around in the yard.

Many moons ago I had a situation like this, my dog woke me up having a fit, he wasn't in the yard.....I went out to see what was up and there were the kids just making back over the fence out of my yard. They had grabbed my plants (really, they don't care about your pot) I would have figured it was kids anyway as who would pull a plant in veg? I found a piece of porkchop on the ground that they probably brought to bribe my dog with...that scared the crap out of me because it could have been poisoned or something.

They left the roots and sure enough the plants came back full force. I had three plants, they were dug into a coffin trench, so there was no moving them...they recovered to about 6 feet tall, but you couldn't see them unless you looked over the fence. We knew they would be back, but figured maybe they would be smart enough to wait until the plants were in bud.... but decided against having the dog sleep outside.

What we did, was go to the outdoor supply store and bought them out of "treble hooks" and hung them all over the plants like Christmas ornaments. As the plants filled in, you couldn't much see the hooks, especially at night. We figured nobody could jerk them up again without at least having second thoughts after getting hooks in their hands...and at the least, if it was someone we knew, we would notice their injuries.

Didn't slow them down a bit, they came back just at the start of bud (kids) and snatched them again. We never did figure out who snatched them...but after getting over the sting of losing the plants...I admit I smile every time I think about their bloody little mits and the leaf they had to show for it.

Sound cruel? hahaha, I didn't think so, it was WAR.

Bring her in if you can.
Sit out side 24/7 on your Roof with a Lawn Chair and Shotgun. make sure its a 12gauge and not a 20gauge, wouldnt wanna do to much Dmg.. when you see some ppl passing by, make sure you take out their Knees. that is how you will prevent any1 from running off with your plant.