Freaking Butt hole Friend

the hashshasher

Active Member
so im kinda angry at my greedy "jewish" friend. earlier today we went into the city and i didnt have alot of money with me i had like 12 bucks and my buddy was gattin weed and sum whiskey, and our other friend sed he was gonna just meet us there cuz he didnt wanna drive every1 back home, so i was like "yo ill pick u up n well go in my car" and i was already like on E and i told him i would need gas. so we went and on the way home i sed i need gas so this motherfucker gives me 2 bucks and i had to scrape up sum change from around my car and my broke friend that bought the weed and whiskey gave me his last dollar dollar so i barely got a gallon of gas and then we get back to our boys house and this motherfucker that didnt wanna drive because of his gas and didnt give me gas money buys a fucking 12 dollar pizza and then wouldnt even let no1 else get a peice, and i know he had more money on him he just gave me the only 2 ones he had


Well-Known Member
I knew selfish mother fuckers like that when I was young.

Let me guess, his logic was "dude this pizza cost me 12 bucks and Im hella hungry, I cant share any"

Did you remind him that gas is near 4 dollars a gallon?

Its hard not to be chicken shit about the small stuff when you're broke.
hahaha what a jew..
we had a friend like that bac in tha day so we started calling him greed all tha time he would get so pissed lol


Well-Known Member
so im kinda angry at my greedy "jewish" friend. earlier today we went into the city and i didnt have alot of money with me i had like 12 bucks and my buddy was gattin weed and sum whiskey, and our other friend sed he was gonna just meet us there cuz he didnt wanna drive every1 back home, so i was like "yo ill pick u up n well go in my car" and i was already like on E and i told him i would need gas. so we went and on the way home i sed i need gas so this motherfucker gives me 2 bucks and i had to scrape up sum change from around my car and my broke friend that bought the weed and whiskey gave me his last dollar dollar so i barely got a gallon of gas and then we get back to our boys house and this motherfucker that didnt wanna drive because of his gas and didnt give me gas money buys a fucking 12 dollar pizza and then wouldnt even let no1 else get a peice, and i know he had more money on him he just gave me the only 2 ones he had

Dude fuck you and yer "Give me gas money." Dude said he'd meet you there. You offered to give him a ride. You sound like the greedy asshole here. That's like having someone over for dinner and wanting them to pay for the food they ate when you invited them haha. Get off his back man. And fuck ya, if I bought the pizza fuck you all, It's my pizza! You want some, go buy yer own! If i get full and there is some left ... MAYBE I'll give you some ... but most likely not :D


Well-Known Member
freakin hells bells martha Focher......Sausage # 1 is the guy for offering to drive then asking for gas money and for making the Jewish comment...You fail Hitler......That is about as ghetto as you can get.....Sausage # 2 is the people who won't share pizza with their so called friends......I have 2 close friends in this world and I would give either of them an organ if I had too...not too mention if it is my pizza then it is also their pizza...Get the drift sausages. Shit I just shared half my slice with a homeless guy who was hungry on Monday.


Well-Known Member
freakin hells bells martha Focher......Sausage # 1 is the guy for offering to drive then asking for gas money and for making the Jewish comment...You fail Hitler......That is about as ghetto as you can get.....Sausage # 2 is the people who won't share pizza with their so called friends......I have 2 close friends in this world and I would give either of them an organ if I had too...not too mention if it is my pizza then it is also their pizza...Get the drift sausages. Shit I just shared half my slice with a homeless guy who was hungry on Monday.
lol not sure where sausages come into play here lol, but yea, if my friend needed an organ that i had extra of, kidney, lung, couple feet of intestines, then ya I'd do that, but my pizza? that i paid money for? fuck off!

EDIT: Oh and uh ya, Last page BAM!! Gotta spread the word! lol


Well-Known Member
You won't give out a piece of pizza, but expect us to visit your grow thread?

Get outtttta here... sausage.
lol, it's all good, still don't know what the fuck sausage is all about, even googled it, nothin ... and i don't expect you to do anything, just advertising something I'm proud of :D

smokey green

Active Member
sounds like he's not a very good friend....pffftttt, wont share his 12 dollar pizza....assholio....I actually knocked a so called friend out cold once over a piece a we were all chillin at a freinds apartment, The friend made a pizza, there was like 8 of us there, he brings the pizza out, everyone grabs 1 slice exept for louie, he grabbed 2 slices, I grab none, I say, HEY MAN that my slice!! Louie says (with a mouthful of pizza) Nuh UHHH, Its mine, I stood up without saying a word, reached across the table and KNOCKED Louie the fuck out he didnt even know what hit him!! Greedy sunumabitch....true story


Well-Known Member
Fuck that jew bastard, get you some muslims to run around with. Hell they will make you pay for the pizza and eat it

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Dude fuck you and yer "Give me gas money." Dude said he'd meet you there. You offered to give him a ride. You sound like the greedy asshole here. That's like having someone over for dinner and wanting them to pay for the food they ate when you invited them haha. Get off his back man. And fuck ya, if I bought the pizza fuck you all, It's my pizza! You want some, go buy yer own! If i get full and there is some left ... MAYBE I'll give you some ... but most likely not :D
bingo. sure the dude is an asshole but if what the op says is accurate then dude didn't owe him shit. who insists on offering a ride (to a person who offered to walk) and then expects gas money? the pizza thing is just douchey, and i would be pissed too, but bitching about the gas money is where i facepalmed. at least he gave you two bucks. are you saying you used an entire gallon of gas to bring him home? he should pay for all of it? sounds like you were trying to extort gas money from him. maybe that's why he was such a douche about the pizza. ever think of that?