Freakishly Tall Seedlings?

So my plants aren't even two weeks old yet (they'll be two weeks on friday the 20th), and I've already had to tie all three of them to growing posts. Look at this picture...they just kept flopping over so i just got some straws and tied the stems to them with some hemp. How long is it going to take for these stems to harden a bit and support the rest of this plant? Is it normal that they're this high? Has anyone else dealt with this same situation? Thankss!



Well-Known Member
its your plant stretching reaching for light, put your light closer. and if if you want i would curl the stem around the cup on the inside and put some more soil on top, save you a few inches.


Well-Known Member
So my plants aren't even two weeks old yet (they'll be two weeks on friday the 20th), and I've already had to tie all three of them to growing posts. Look at this picture...they just kept flopping over so i just got some straws and tied the stems to them with some hemp. How long is it going to take for these stems to harden a bit and support the rest of this plant? Is it normal that they're this high? Has anyone else dealt with this same situation? Thankss!
HAHAHAHA LMFAO!!! dude you are so right man haha that is fuckin hella tall.. reminds me of the old farms where they harvested hemp and like.. it was all on tall stalks that look like fuckin bamboo with a lil flower on top.

Id fill it up with more soil i see the first leaf is actually set high, so that would def help out, and lmfao on the "growing post" (fuckin Burger king Straw) hahaha
great to have you in the community bro, we all love pics and a good laugh :]

Id take that bitch outside and create walls to block out as much wind but make sure it will still get light though (THATS the tricky part)


Active Member
when mine did that i put them into a bigger pot (get it out of that cup lol), buried them up to where the stem was about 2 inches exposed, then i stuffed them in my closet with a fan blowing, and gave it a little more they are bigger....and that was a week ago... :). happy growing dude!!!
HAHAHAHA LMFAO!!! dude you are so right man haha that is fuckin hella tall.. reminds me of the old farms where they harvested hemp and like.. it was all on tall stalks that look like fuckin bamboo with a lil flower on top.

Id fill it up with more soil i see the first leaf is actually set high, so that would def help out, and lmfao on the "growing post" (fuckin Burger king Straw) hahaha
great to have you in the community bro, we all love pics and a good laugh :]

Id take that bitch outside and create walls to block out as much wind but make sure it will still get light though (THATS the tricky part)

haha nice. I think im going to re-pot them this weekend.

also, the reason why i dont have a light yet is because sunlight is obviously the best choice for any plant. Most people use lights to avoid people seeing them through windows, but my neighborhood isn't sketchy and i'm an undercover stoner so I don't see the issue with putting them on the window to get the best light. Hell, when they get bigger I'll just set them up in the corner of my room and they'll still get a shit ton of light. One they finish vegging, I'll get a couple of fluorescents and put them in my closet and switch them to 12/12. IDK why people freak out over the lights during flowering...these plants can flower in total darkness. I've read up on everything, and light is most important during the vegging stage, which is why i'm giving my babies the sun.


Active Member
actually flowering is the most important stage especcialy the light's your using.. and they dont jus flower in total darkness, you need 12 hours of nice strong light

haha nice. I think im going to re-pot them this weekend.

also, the reason why i dont have a light yet is because sunlight is obviously the best choice for any plant. Most people use lights to avoid people seeing them through windows, but my neighborhood isn't sketchy and i'm an undercover stoner so I don't see the issue with putting them on the window to get the best light. Hell, when they get bigger I'll just set them up in the corner of my room and they'll still get a shit ton of light. One they finish vegging, I'll get a couple of fluorescents and put them in my closet and switch them to 12/12. IDK why people freak out over the lights during flowering...these plants can flower in total darkness. I've read up on everything, and light is most important during the vegging stage, which is why i'm giving my babies the sun.
actually flowering is the most important stage especcialy the light's your using.. and they dont jus flower in total darkness, you need 12 hours of nice strong light
no it's not. the vegetative stage is the stage where light is most crucial. the plant is developing during this time, and then once the 12/12 hits, you can have shitty lights and it won't affect the outcome that much. there are a few myths out there that need to be busted...


Well-Known Member
Both stages are just as important. If you have a weak veg cycle then when it comes to flowering you don't have a strong or big plant to get buds off of. If your flower cycle is weak then you wont produce as much bud or as dense of bud.

Anyway putting them in the window sill doesn't get them as much light as putting them outside in the full brightness of the sun. Outside it gets light from more angles, it get more light in general and it's unfiltered light. Your windows do reflect some of the lumens the sun puts out, and depending on your windows may also block out different UV rays, which help the plant as well.

It's funny, most people use FLOROs to Veg and then put them outside to flower. Let us know how it goes, or if you plan on growing them in complete darkness keep me up to date on that. I would be very interested to see a good grow from total darkness


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I always heard the strong lights (in the right spectrum) during the flowering stage is what makes the biggest impact, I doubt everyone would be using HPS bulbs in the 1000 watt area if what you said about lights not being a big deal to be true.. lol

Stick em outside in a pot man. than when sun goes down turn into Lord of the Rings Smeagle and take the pot into your home (haha)

repeat the process (youll get a fatty plant.) make sure you got your soil right, and your watering schedules are down.

although watch out for fuckin bugs on the soil (hate those mother fuckers.)


Well-Known Member
getting sunlight through a window is nothing like getting it outside. surprised you got this far. i don't expect you to get any type of harvest with the way your going about growing. don't mean to be harsh, just real.


Well-Known Member
getting sunlight through a window is nothing like getting it outside. surprised you got this far. i don't expect you to get any type of harvest with the way your going about growing. don't mean to be harsh, just real.

hey FUCK you man Why do you have to put him down thats like me saying "oh im surprised your baby got this far, getting layed in a chemical plant is nothing like getting layed in a bar. Surprised your baby got this far. I dont expect it to get normal any time soon with how retarded IT is.. dont mean to be harsh, just real"

Na im just fuckin with you man lol What jonBlaze420 is saying is VERY true. and I AM VERY VERY surprised you got that bitch growing through a window as well.. I wish I could stick a plant next to a window and have it grow... maybe you have the green thumb m8 but you are on the wrong path with it haha :P

and yeah you said ur neighborhoods not sketch, wtf were you thinking sticking it next to a window, stick it in the backyard haha Im thinkin hes trolling though with how adament he was with the light issue..


Well-Known Member
hey FUCK you man Why do you have to put him down thats like me saying "oh im surprised your baby got this far, getting layed in a chemical plant is nothing like getting layed in a bar. Surprised your baby got this far. I dont expect you it to get normal any time soon with how retarded IT is.. dont mean to be harsh, just real"

Na im just fuckin with you man lol What jonBlaze420 is saying is VERY true. and I AM VERY VERY surprised you got that bitch growing through a window as well.. I wish I could stick a plant next to a window and have it grow... maybe you have the green thumb m8 but you are on the wrong path with it haha :P

and yeah you said ur neighborhoods not sketch, wtf were you thinking sticking it next to a window, stick it in the backyard haha Im thinkin hes trolling though with how adament he was with the light issue..
you kiddin me man? my current plant comes straight from the window! it stretched like an athlete but hey, its fine now anyways ()


Well-Known Member
aw you fucker you WOULD choose to call me out haha go pick on jonblazin420

lmfao "it stretched like an athlete" hahahaha

why does the fucker only have one cola though? I got a mom out back with 4 lmfao which was on total accident hahahaha