Free catheter samples


Well-Known Member
Some dudes gauge their pee hole.
also knew some ukranian dudes that woule make beads grom toothbrush handles and insert them under their dick skin while they were in the service.
google pearling penis.


Well-Known Member
Urgh. Kidney stones. I think I have blocked most of it out except for the fact that I was left with two long pieces if thread out my pee hole for about a week. These threads were connected to a stent that was um, inside me. Then I hadda go back and have a pretty nurse pull the threads outta my wiener. She was about a foot away when she started and about five feet away when the horrible coilly thing left my body. It is hard to write this. I am clenching.

But I have been a big fan of catheters ever since. I like the self lubing ones.