Free Clones

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Well-Known Member
The story you are about to reed is NOT true it is just a what if.

I have a MMJ card here in WA I made to many clones they all rooted amazing. I want to advertise on RIU that for free I will give extra clones to the needy. And is there any MMJ people that would have a need for some left overs?

This almost sounds crazy but then it doesn't. It's just a thought.


The Laws are on our side. I don't see anything wrong with and I think you are totaly with in your rights to do so. I would take a clone ot 2.


Well-Known Member
Yea man props to you! I don't grow because I refuse to get an mmj card here in canada, cuz there's nothing medically wrong with me. Until its my right to grow legally just because, I'm not compromising for their politics. Plus I'm a starving student and don't want to take any chances risking my future job opportunities. But keep fighting the good fight, and be :smile:


If your story were true Grats ... it is not so however (bummer) i cant wait to get to know the folks here in oregon ..


Well-Known Member
I am not sure, but RIU may have a policy that says you cant exchange stuff on the site. Again, I am not possitive, but I seem to remember something like that causing problems some time back.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
huge dea thing about "overgrow" and how memebers were selling seeds to each other. i only read about it, as then I did not grow. But everyone says they are a refugee from that affair and are pleased not have gotten arrested like a lot apparantly did. I think canada gave the dea rights to raid canadian servers for US names and bam.


Well-Known Member
Oh wait, that overgrow thing was Marc Emery out of Canada. Operation Overgrow Big Bro. I was thinking about something else when I posted. He got the fucking shaft. USA had no jurisdiction and the chickenshit Canadian authorities gave him up so as to avoid pissing off Big Bro. AKA Uncle Sam. They are all a bunch of cocksuckers.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Of course that is against the rules of the site.

Besides that, if any member would trust you enough to give their address ...

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