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135 isnt even that much.... i bench that, 3 sets of ten with other stuff in between. only if i had a camera i could get myself a free growing vid.


Your right, it is not that much.. BUT try doing doing 10 sets of 135lb with 10 sets of pushups between sets.... and do it in 7 minutes :)

I suspect you will think different..

I've never worked out in my life..... what is a dead lift?

also, is there lower weight class for the scrawny people? I don't even weigh 135 LBS....... in fact I'm lower than 120
no.. no winners... there will never be a winner.. to many sissys on this site...


has anyone even submitted a video?

i'd like to see GK swim, bike and run. lifting weights is weak sauce, sorry for being a hater. i've been there. i probably could have beat 7min when i was playing soccer, smoking weed and lifting during college. i was ~160lb, benched 300lb+, leg press 1000lb+.

now, i'm 30lb lighter and compete in amateur/semi-pro marathons, bike races and triathlons.

can GK run a 5km in less than 18min? can GK break 3:30 in the marathon? can GK bike 200km in a day or any amount of time?
has anyone even submitted a video?

i'd like to see GK swim, bike and run. lifting weights is weak sauce, sorry for being a hater. i've been there. i probably could have beat 7min when i was playing soccer, smoking weed and lifting during college. i was ~160lb, benched 300lb+, leg press 1000lb+.

now, i'm 30lb lighter and compete in amateur/semi-pro marathons, bike races and triathlons.

can GK run a 5km in less than 18min? can GK break 3:30 in the marathon? can GK bike 200km in a day or any amount of time?
why you getting so squirrely:blsmoke:
has anyone even submitted a video?

i'd like to see GK swim, bike and run. lifting weights is weak sauce, sorry for being a hater. i've been there. i probably could have beat 7min when i was playing soccer, smoking weed and lifting during college. i was ~160lb, benched 300lb+, leg press 1000lb+.

now, i'm 30lb lighter and compete in amateur/semi-pro marathons, bike races and triathlons.

can GK run a 5km in less than 18min? can GK break 3:30 in the marathon? can GK bike 200km in a day or any amount of time?

Hi Nash, the sissy comment was just a joke... I enjoy this site and was just poking fun at some of the hommies... just trying to motivate somebody...

I would reccomend checking out

I am a pretty serious crossfitter. Although I do not have elite times I can hold my own :)

I can not run a 18minute k
I can not run a 3:30 marathon
I can bike 200 kilometers

But you can wake me up at any time of the day or night and say.. GK run 26 miles.. and I can do it..

Or you can ask me to do 100 pullups and 200 pushups and I can do it pretty quick.... probably top 1% on the planet... :mrgreen:

I am all around just diesel.... only 155lbs :)

BTW- I am more into olympic lifting then power lifting

It requires intense metabolic conditions..

i weight about 150 and work out i think i can at least keep up with your time but i want to see the vid of your work out so i can cheat and see your technique.
I started gettin back into my old workout routine too recently, and considering that I havent really worked out since i got out of the service in 2006, and I have 2 plates in my shoulder... My regular routine is stuff i learned from the military, push ups, sit ups, mile and a half run, once a week a 5k run...

I can still do...

67 push ups in 1 minute... my record was 74

59 sit ups in 1 minute... my record was 65

17 pull ups - my best was 20**

and I run a mile and a half in 9:45... my best time was 8:53

my 5k time is a whole nother story... i keep cramping up and i feel like my heart is gonna blow out of my chest...

Not bad considering that I survive off of mountain dew and newports...
o man this shit is rough, my first attemp today and it was pretty ugly i know it took me longer than 9 or 7 min whatever your time is but i did it,really showed my i need to work out my legs and back more

:spew:<-- look its me after the work out! lol

GK i couldnt find your link/vid to the workout??