Free Dvd - Contest -

o man this shit is rough, my first attemp today and it was pretty ugly i know it took me longer than 9 or 7 min whatever your time is but i did it,really showed my i need to work out my legs and back more

:spew:<-- look its me after the work out! lol

GK i couldnt find your link/vid to the workout??

I think that is enough to win the contest... And you don;t even need a video.. I believe you :)

This contest has been going way to long... I can;t even remember what the prize is.. LOL

if you PM me an address, I will send you a DVD

67 push ups in 1 minute... my record was 74


that's pretty bad ass..

67 legit push ups... straight body, chest and hips touching the ground and full extension...

I have been stuck with my bench press max for about 3 years.... my friend was also stuck.. he started doing a shit load of clapping push ups and his bench jumped from 225 max to 240lbs

SO I have started doing clapping push ups...

I am not a big fan of the bench... but it is something I like to do twice a month...

Yesterday I did 3 pull ups with 55lbs between my legs.. Full extension down and chin over the bar every time.... super setted with 10 clapping push ups... I did this for 10 rounds.... no resting....

I was pretty fooking winded...


My max weighted pull up is 100 or 105 lbs... Can't remember.... I put the dumbbell between my legs... I would like to increase that to 120lbs in the next year...
that's pretty bad ass..
67 legit push ups... straight body, chest and hips touching the ground and full extension...

Yes full extention, but we used the "knuckle" rule to count as one we had to touch knuckles,

I was a fat ass when i got out of the Military... I'm only 5'6''

I went into the military at 165lbs
the first year that i was in i got all chiseled and went to 185lbs with 15% body fat...
**Imagine a white Floyd Mayweather Jr. I was about the same as he was**
My accident happend and I was put on a permanent shoulder restriction and i went up to 211lbs
** 2 plates, 4 screws, and all sorts of real nice pain at night..**

I got out on christmas of 06, and resumed my regular life as a stoner, and started gradually losing weight slowly over a year... went from 211 to 140-150lbs... Havent been over 160lbs since either...
Hey Adamus,

I am 5' 5" -

I fluctuate between 150 and 165lbs

A few years back I was taking creatine everyday for 6 months and got up to 180lbs..
I don't take anything now and I am so much fooking stronger...

Welcome to CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness has a great fitness program... check ut the excercise videos... especially the WOD's ... they are extremely motivating...

check out this video called nasty girls.... it is pretty amazing

if you;d like to claim your prize, you need to PM me your address.... or a a mailing address.. I will not keep it on file.. I will mail yo the DVD an DElete the PM...


freedom from all attachment
Awsome i really won? sweet monkey love thats the shit!

GN ive been sore for like 4 days..... the first day after my attempt i wasnt that sore and i knew it was goin to take a good 48 hours to set in....... and damn i was haveing second thoughts about trying again but since i won

Im new..... is a PM a Personal Message?
Awsome i really won? sweet monkey love thats the shit!

GN ive been sore for like 4 days..... the first day after my attempt i wasnt that sore and i knew it was goin to take a good 48 hours to set in....... and damn i was haveing second thoughts about trying again but since i won

Im new..... is a PM a Personal Message?

Yes send mr GardenKnown A PM and he is going to send you a DVD...

compliments of RIU.

How to send a PM.
Click on Mr Gardenknownms name and a window will appear, go down to send a Private message.

get in touch with him, and you will be getting the best Grow DVD EVER!!!!