Free Ebooks and knowledge


Well-Known Member
I got a few ebooks and i would like to share em with you all :mrgreen:

so if you got a book or video please put the link in this thread.

knowledge is power!:mrgreen::blsmoke:


Active Member
Unfortunately none of the vids I own are up loadable (and I don't have time currently) but I always got a kick out of watching the Mr. Green "I Grow Chronic" vids on youtube. There are also 4 more, detailed grow vids.


Well-Known Member
More to come. i might be able to upload videos...i got

joint rolling ebook
marijuana terms you should know
marijuana gorwers handbook

they are all uploading now so be patient.

ALSO please dont posyt anymore thanks for the comments tho


Well-Known Member
glad i can help some people out. i will have a hell of alot more EBOOKS in a few day(1-2)

i hope to have a few vids up soon let me figure it out.


love the nice comments


Well-Known Member
No shit very good link! Many thx
I have one good book I scanned myself I dont see on this list, I will upload it for everyone.. Its called Easy Gardening also by Ed Rosenthal, and its in jpg format, not pdf.
I zipped it, and uploaded to rapidshare:
Here is an alternate link, for anyone who dont like raipdshare, although I think rapidshare will be the faster download speed, its 13 mbs. I tested both, and rapidshare was much faster for me, maybe it depends on which side of the world you are living on though - online file sharing and storage - download easy gardening by Ed

Also for anyone that use torrents there are many high quality videos you can download..
The Mr Green's, I grow chronic ,Top Quality Marijuana growing, High Times Rerady Set Grow vids, and many many others

Also I found a ton of videos on Emule, so If you want good selection of videos Emule, and torrents are the way to go... I found seemorebuds which I seen offered in the free dvd section of this forum on emule as well
A few tip get emule v0.48a, and Utorrent v1.6, both Im sure you can find on
There are more updated versions of Utorrent, but dont download them, some sites have benned that version.. 1.6 is universal

One thing you might want to download before you begin is called PeerGuardian you can download it here
Phoenix Labs » PeerGuardian 2
It is a program that blocks unwanted connections, coming in and out from your PC. When downloading on p2p networks there are countless IPs that are trying to gain access to see whats going on over the networks.. PeerGuardian weeds these unwanted IPs out, and you can update a "block list" daily..

It is set to default (which is only 5 lists)when you first install it, but under the "List Manager" button, you can add upto 16-18 more "URLS" that are updated daily. Which will then add more, and more unwanted IPs to your "blocklist"
What to do, is after you hit the "List Manager" then goto "ADD", then clickthe "ADD URL" option.. There is a drop down list of all URLS you can then choose to add to your "Block List"

As it is now I have 22 lists, and Im blocking 2966472647 IPs.. Crazy I know..LOL Its not exactly needed, but if you want to be on the safeside its a good idea...

Another note, is PG keeps a "history" which slowly gets bigger over time.. Some times if you havent deleted it in a longtime it can get into the gigabytes.. So its a good idea to delete it once a week, or month, or whenever you think its big enough.

PG will block your router aswell, and its important when its first installed, you look, and see in the PG window whats being blocked.. You will see IP Range(name of what the IP belongs to), and source, and a destination IP #'s..
So if you see a generic IP like under source, and destination of a "static IP" like Then you should right click that paticular IP, and then click the "allow Permanetly" Dont be trying to download anything on a p2p network until you FIRST have determined which IPs are from your router, and ISP.. Its NOT at all as hard as it might sound.. There are forums, and FAQS on their website if you get stuck on something...

Also if you are using a router portforwarding might be needed to get the faster, and best connection results.. Here are pages to help you forward your ports, and its very easy, and only takes a few mins
First you need to select your router here: - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall
After you find your router(if you dont see you exact model number its ok, find the ones closest to your version)
Then there will be a list of programs for you to select from.. You want the Emule, and Utorrent setup
Just follow the directions, and walk thru the steps, you just have to know your IP, and which ports you want to forward..
There are pictures, and examples on the way to help you out in the process, if you dont know exactly what you are doing..
At the very end it will have it all layed out for you, to just cut and paste the proper things into your routers configurations under portforwarding
Then you're ready to download
marijuana || isoHunt - World's largest BitTorrent and P2P search engine

marijuana torrent search

Id also like to add I just found The Ultimate Marijuana Grow video on emule by Jorge Cervantes, at this moment its downloading at over 300 kbs :D here is the torrent Jorge Cervantes torrent search


Well-Known Member
I second you joeblow.
You want ebooks? you want videos? Just search your favourite P2P file sharing network and use keywords you like the most ie. marijuana , cannabis , hydroponic, rosenthal etc.
personally i like Emule .


Well-Known Member
my Ultimate Marijuana Grow video on emule by Jorge Cervantes is already done... LOL it about a half hour..
This and the seemorebuds video both were done in about a half hour and were 700 mbs..
On Emule that really amazing..
It was all from a single user too.. Im not sure who it is uploading but his connection OWNZZZZ