Free Grow Software!

oh and BTW, I did try and load the link you posted for the .2beta, but when I went to unrar it, it wouldn't create the folder.
If you have a fixed link or if there's a trick to get it to unrar to install.. thanks.
oh and BTW, I did try and load the link you posted for the .2beta, but when I went to unrar it, it wouldn't create the folder.
If you have a fixed link or if there's a trick to get it to unrar to install.. thanks.
I tried the link again and it still works fine.
I use 7-zip to unrar and it created the folder and extracted as expected.
Make sure if you are in vista or win7 you have the correct permissions to do what you are trying to do.
You might need to right click and run it as administrator in win7. No clue about vista, I'd downgrade or upgrade your OS ;)
oh and BTW, I did try and load the link you posted for the .2beta, but when I went to unrar it, it wouldn't create the folder.
If you have a fixed link or if there's a trick to get it to unrar to install.. thanks.

The installer had to be ran as admin to set permissions on the directory if it was in program files so I wouldn't be suprised if you need to start your compression program with admin rights to extract it to the installed location. Vista and Windows 7 should work the same permission/rights wise
I run windows7. I have admin rights on winrar. It won't let me extract it. When I go in the back way,(run it from the program file) it loads fine but when I try and add any event it locks up on me. Re-installed old version without a problem. What's different from one to the other?
I know it's likely something easy I'm missing, but any help on that would be awesome guys.. thanks again.
not sure if this helps any cowell but can you open up winrar as the admin and browse to where your rar file is.
You should be able to open the rar file in winrar and than just drag and drop it into your program files herbiq folder that is already there?
I was able to do all that in win7 but I don't have the program installed on 7 so I can't test out any further as for it locking up/crashing.
If you can't open the file it might be corrupted. If you try running the .exe alone it probably would crash as well without at least the .dll that installs with the program.
your first sentence describes how i get into it before it freezes.
I can get into the update, I see some of the newer menu options.. but once I go to save- it locks.

It sucks.. cause it's just what I need right now... but I can't get the update to install. Again, I deleted out the .1 version, re-downloaded, and installed again with no problem... why would one be different from the other?
your first sentence describes how i get into it before it freezes.
I can get into the update, I see some of the newer menu options.. but once I go to save- it locks.

It sucks.. cause it's just what I need right now... but I can't get the update to install. Again, I deleted out the .1 version, re-downloaded, and installed again with no problem... why would one be different from the other?

You need to put the beta.exe in the same directory as the .dll files and other files or it will fail on save when it needs those dependencies
Just put up a new beta release, added a new section to clone/copy your plants, let me know what you think. Test Packages/
nice this will make it much easier now.
A few things that I noticed were; the date cloned did not update on the info tab. It shows the original clones date.
Should it update with the new date of creating the clone or stay the original date?
If you want it to reflect the new creation date than it should zero out the dates for the other drop down boxes such as date flower and harvest.
As it stands it still carries those dates over.
I'm still trying to figure out how to do a proper naming scheme and make it work.

When I go to clone them off whatever I enter for beginning or end it adds to the existing strain name and only the number increment shows in the plant id.
If I try to put any letters in the number field it crash's the program. Also after it crashed it did not prompt for the password.
I also can't seem to use the phenotype field, when I enter info into that field and click save, it carries over to every strain I have set up.
A possible idea that might help with clutter when doing mass clones (ie: 50 of one)
Instead of creating 50 new entries, create one "strain name" and that can expand or collapse when you click on the + sign next to the strain.

anyway I feel like I'm all over the place here with this and that.. I'm glad you guys are doing this and it's inspiring me to force myself to sit down and learn
some programming to contribute back.
I entered the information and events, when I click the custom status tab, and select date germed on I see this: "0 - ak47 - 1 (GermedOn-AutoEvent - 7/31/2010)"
actual germ date was the 15th, the 31st is the day I entered the info. also is the 0 at the beginning suppose to represent quantity? if so that is incorrect as I had entered 6 in that field.
Should I be asking these questions over at sourceforge?

This is with the beta
I entered the information and events, when I click the custom status tab, and select date germed on I see this: "0 - ak47 - 1 (GermedOn-AutoEvent - 7/31/2010)"
actual germ date was the 15th, the 31st is the day I entered the info. also is the 0 at the beginning suppose to represent quantity? if so that is incorrect as I had entered 6 in that field.
Should I be asking these questions over at sourceforge?

This is with the beta
Did you specify the actual date when creating the event?
the 0 specifies the days to the event or after the event. you have your strain and the 1 I think would be your plant ID that you specified.
Yes I did, the 1 is the plant ID
On the "home tab" status reads: "11 days since ak47 - 1 has been germinated "
So on that one, it is showing actual days since I germed according to the date of the 15th I specified.
It is in the Custom Status tab that seems to reflect actual date entered, instead of date specified. (I am keeping a hand written journal as well, since this is a beta)
I guess I am asking is this what was intended, or should the Custom tab reflect specified dates same as the Home tab?

On another note I am also running "Uberkush" which is reflected under the "Home" tab (19 days since UberKush - 1 has been germinated), but is not under the "Custom" tab. (all I see is the ak47 under the custom tab)
and when I tried to promote the Uberkush to veg, the program crashed asking if I wished to debug or close program.

EDIT: also as cymbaline mentioned, after the crash, the program did not prompt for a password. once it restarted with no password prompt, I manually closed the program. Which then re-enabled the password prompt.
here is what my custom status looks like
-29 - NL#1 - 1 (succanat - 8/30/2010) = 29 days before I need to use my succanat on 8-30
or another one I created for testing
3 - NL#2 - 2 (water - 7/29/2010) = 3 days have passed since I watered this one
I'm pretty sure the custom tab should reflect whatever date you specified in the events when you saved it.
nice this will make it much easier now.
A few things that I noticed were; the date cloned did not update on the info tab. It shows the original clones date.
Should it update with the new date of creating the clone or stay the original date?
If you want it to reflect the new creation date than it should zero out the dates for the other drop down boxes such as date flower and harvest.
As it stands it still carries those dates over.
I'm still trying to figure out how to do a proper naming scheme and make it work.

When I go to clone them off whatever I enter for beginning or end it adds to the existing strain name and only the number increment shows in the plant id.
If I try to put any letters in the number field it crash's the program. Also after it crashed it did not prompt for the password.
I also can't seem to use the phenotype field, when I enter info into that field and click save, it carries over to every strain I have set up.
A possible idea that might help with clutter when doing mass clones (ie: 50 of one)
Instead of creating 50 new entries, create one "strain name" and that can expand or collapse when you click on the + sign next to the strain.

anyway I feel like I'm all over the place here with this and that.. I'm glad you guys are doing this and it's inspiring me to force myself to sit down and learn
some programming to contribute back.
Good point on the clone date, I'll add that right now. The quantity field is there for grouping a large number of clones into a single entry. We are working up an expandable tree view in the future too, just a matter of time :D
here is what my custom status looks like
-29 - NL#1 - 1 (succanat - 8/30/2010) = 29 days before I need to use my succanat on 8-30
or another one I created for testing
3 - NL#2 - 2 (water - 7/29/2010) = 3 days have passed since I watered this one
I'm pretty sure the custom tab should reflect whatever date you specified in the events when you saved it.

I have the stable and beta extracted to my desktop, the Uberkush was originally entered into the stable version. I wonder if this is causing some of the conflict on the "promotion" crash.
Ok updated the copy/clone section, now you can choose to clear the dates and use today as the cloned date. I also made incrementing the ID optional in the event you use that field to store non-numerical characters. Is in the same link as before, I included the .dll dependancy to make it easier for everyone trying to preview the beta


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looking smooth now.
Also when the program crashed it appears it wiped my password and that is why I wasn't prompted for a password when I restarted the program.
I was able to recreate it by crashing it again and saw the password field was blank and the program appears to access the data file just fine.
just a fyi/update on that crash I caused.