Free Grow Software!

Just checking this out. As I started to do some work on something very similar and saw this thread. You guys are alot further ahead of me. I've begun entering in data, and I notice there is ALOT of repetition. Also I would have tyou would have a field for Start Veg. For example, clones dont always go to flower. Also, there needs to be a more intuitive way to track clones from a mother. I see from some previous posts that this is being addressed. I like the family tree idea. And one other quick note, in the home tab, the the Plant ID should be appended to the Strain name. At the moment I am having to add things like - Clone 1, - Clone 2 as strains so that I can quickly identify a particular plant instead of just a strain.

I am interested in helping any way I can. I dont have much c# experience but proficient in VB, and SQL if that helps. Happy to bug test as well.

Good work guys!
Hopefully we can limit the repition as we move forward. Please register at sourceforge, we'd be happy to have some additional help on the team.

Oh, I should have mother/father support tonight.
Did it on codeplex. Should I do sourceforge instead?

Just tell us what username you registered with and we can add you to the project. You can probably code in and we can either use your code as a library or convert it to c# if there are any good converters out there yet.

Replaced the old auto installer with the new one, if anyone has any problems with it let me know! I also posted the source code to the installer in the download section on both sites in case anyone is interested.
Just tell us what username you registered with and we can add you to the project. You can probably code in and we can either use your code as a library or convert it to c# if there are any good converters out there yet.


Same username as here. FlyWithMe

I think FlyWithMe will need to register at SourceForge right? Since we moved everything from CodePlex recently?
Replaced the old auto installer with the new one, if anyone has any problems with it let me know! I also posted the source code to the installer in the download section on both sites in case anyone is interested.

Worked great for me. Even have the right app icon on my desktop and taskbar now! One thing I noticed is that it didn't seem to add it to the start menu. Is that an easy option to add?
Worked great for me. Even have the right app icon on my desktop and taskbar now! One thing I noticed is that it didn't seem to add it to the start menu. Is that an easy option to add?

Nice! Yeah it wasn't working right away and I wanted to get back to working on the main project, I'll go back and fix it later after I get the grow room moving equipment thing working. In the new grow room tab I'm going to include an option to enter your electricity rates so you can calculate exactly how much your spending per grow/day/month/etc and calculate the GPW :D

Nice! Yeah it wasn't working right away and I wanted to get back to working on the main project, I'll go back and fix it later after I get the grow room moving equipment thing working. In the new grow room tab I'm going to include an option to enter your electricity rates so you can calculate exactly how much your spending per grow/day/month/etc and calculate the GPW :D

Excellent... just pull out your kill-a-watt and take your measurements, and your rates and hours. That'll be nice.
New install tested. Works fine. Other than issues already mentioned. (No start menu/programs group, no uninstaller)
Cool. There are some new features in the svn trunk. Maybe you could give those a test drive with your current data file?

We should warn people that being a beta tester is mandator if you join the project :hump: He's the GUI designer , once he's up on sf we should setup a forum on there so we can start talking about making our GUI/design better too. If anyone else wants to join the project just signup and give me or densebuds your name and we can add you to the project, nobody will be denied :blsmoke:
I would think detailed discussions should be @ sourceforge. This thread would be more general discussions/announcements re: the app on the whole.
I would think detailed discussions should be @ sourceforge. This thread would be more general discussions/announcements re: the app on the whole.

I concur, I added you Flywithme, you should have access to the forum section now so we can talk about the app in detail there
Added Mother/Father tracking to the /trunk codebase. Welcome any feedback from testers. I didn't put much effort into user-error prevention so you can do things like set the same plant to be it's own mother. Eventually we can come back and address things like that. Just wanted to get it working.
I've downloaded all of the pieces from the trunk (revision 85?) and see no difference from the current release. What am I missing? Is there a zip file or installer, or is just copying the pieces from the directory sufficient?
If you browse into the bin/debug folder, you should find the .exe. If not, you could install c# express and build it too. Revision 89
I found the right directory. I wasnt sure which pieces needed to be download along with the .exe. So I made a copy of the files from the previous install, and replace the .exe with the new one from rev 89. The app launches, and I am able to enter data, but upon clicking save, the app crashes and closes. I am using Vista Business with SP1. Assuming just replacing the exe is suficiennt I am going to try on an XP and Win7 as well. If I need to be copying more than just the exe, can you give me a list of files to copy, or perhaps zip them up and I can just download and extract the files?