Free Grow Videos

Great video! Thanks a lot, widow maker :) I surely learned a lot from it. I also watched the video link that XassassinX shared, it was also very educational, thanks for sharing it here, XassassinX :) This is what I love about this forum, there are a lot of growers who are always willing to share great information and who are sincerely concerned in helping other growers to succeed with their grows.
I AM Jesus Christ and I, Jesus Christ, AM God. I AM God The Holy Spirit! Click on the link below TO GET RAPTURED!

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EVERYONE in THE WHOLE WORLD will see what YOU are going to see in the link.

I have legalized marijuana for THE WHOLE WORLD, so grow some weed man.

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Seriously!!!! How have you not been banned for spamming the forum?:-?
i got a plant thats about 7 inches tall, its an indio strain and i've got a 60 watt soft white bulb over it, i've heared that the type of light blub doesn't matter that much, i put 3 other plants that were smaller in a greenhouse but i wanted to see which one would do better since it hasn't been very sunny here. so should i leave it to grow with that light or should i get a higher watt floresent blub and should i get a dom to put over it to keep it humid inside
i really need some help, ive been researching my ass off but still have some questions. what i plan on doing is making a hydroponics system, fair warning i have VERY limited money and resources, so using is a 20 gallon long style fish tank, dimensions are 30x12x12. what i plan on doing is getting some styrofoam and cutting the holes and putting a few pots in it, im not sure if it will be big enough or how many plants i could have? i plan on using probably pea pebbles. i know how to germinate and all that. but i only have my bedroom to plant in. i have a pretty small closet i most likely will dedicate to growing. is it absolutely neccessary to put the reflecting stuff on the walls? i seen somebody use the white side of a poster board could i put that on the outside of the tank? another thing is lighting. at the beginning could does the light just need to produce heat? i have a 100w reptile basking bulb. and instead of using a mh during vegetation and flowering does anyone now about uvb or uva bulbs? and what nutrients will i need and where could i find them locally? i am aware that im a noob lol but i really want to do this, thanks
My Current Grow-room is modeled after the Mr Greens I Grow chronic video, but up-sized and updated. and so far everything is working great.
You can in fact obviously veg with 4' T12 Fluorescent lights cause I am. so if you want / need a Video with shopping list that may be the right start for you depending on your available space.

Differences between his build and mine.
1 part organic nutrients
1 for Veg
1 to accelerate veg and bloom (just picked this up today)
1 for bloom

Doubled up the fixtures from 3-6
Upped HPS in blooming area from 400w - 1000w (if memory serves he's using a 400w hps)
hooked up co2 to both vegging area and blooming area.
sealed off the 2 areas much better than he did lol
built a Carbon filter for smell.

still think connecting the co2 to the fan might be a better alternative to running hoses around the plants.
DEF get the ph and nute meters, I got just the ph and found out real fast how much the nute meter helps.
if yer broke I would grab the ph only.
plumbing,.. well like he said keep your plants above the nutrient tank and you wont flood it.
trying to see if theres anything else,..

Aah airstones in all nutrient tanks.

I gotta start a grow log,.

If anyone sees any information thats wrong please lemme know. I am NO Expert, I am at week 3 of vegging crap seeds while I wait for good seeds to get here.
how exactly should i determine how much lights to use? i got a closet about 4 feet wide im dedicating to my plants, and how far should the plants be placed apart? im doing a hydroponic system in a big tub with the pots fit into the top, i know im a noob lol and how bad of an idea is it to try to grow some mid grade seeds that came from a bag of herb?
how exactly should i determine how much lights to use? i got a closet about 4 feet wide im dedicating to my plants, and how far should the plants be placed apart? im doing a hydroponic system in a big tub with the pots fit into the top, i know im a noob lol and how bad of an idea is it to try to grow some mid grade seeds that came from a bag of herb?

depending on how deep the closet is, I was told a 1000w HPS Light properly lights a 5'x5' area. now thats from a hydro store guy that wants to sell lights,.. I would imagine depending if you have ventilation anything hps 150w - 400w should do it. gotta space the plants so they can get enough light without crowding each other.

CFL's would be less heat and energy, but far fewer lumens and maybe color temperature issues,. These plants need like 6500k for part of growth and 2300k for blooming. and the more lumens the better not the more lightbulbs. Dont get me wrong, from what I have read here CFL's can in fact veg great, just not bloom as well as a hps.
im planning a small grow indoor average closet size, i saw some were ,they used a pc case for there grow....any advise (newgrower,indoor,indica if posible)
I'm gonna watch it, but yes peps. I have been germating in a class of distilled water for years!! I believe it to be the best way just scoop out the ones that crack and plant 1/4 inch. in if using soil, the bunk ones will float to the top and stay there. I get like a true germination rate, I'm sure the dude shows ya I'm gonna watch it but that is in my opinion the best way, out of all the other methods I found to work the best in a warm dark cabinet, distilled water only and stir every other day. oh ya never touch with your fingers peace out, Boxit
Flat white paint my brother and sounds like your a new grower cool, maybe get some soil grows under your belt first? Just maybe?? Some may disagree but a few years ago i tried a reptile bulb it sucked i smashed it for the waste of time, unless your just using it as a kinda temp. modifier. :) CFL met hods done correctly are a lot better. I really prefer HPS but energy bill a massive problem. Peace, Boxit
i have two plants bout a week old and they are still very small how i get them to grow faster i have them under 24 hours of light i am using a 50 watts G.E plant light and i have them under 12 hours of fan a day am also i water them regular tap water mix with rain water i need help asap

That is your problem probably... The plant light could definitely be producing too much heat. I used one before, and it burned my plants leaves... I'd use a high watt CFL light (like a 43w or something big like that). you should also invest 4 bucks on a PH tester, to ensure the water you are using is not too acidic or too alkaline. you want a pH of around 5.8-6.2 for soil growing. it can fluctuate a little, but not much or you'll hurt your plant.

BUT, this isnt the place for your post. it's a video thread, not a growing help thread.
I'm gonna watch it, but yes peps. I have been germating in a class of distilled water for years!! I believe it to be the best way just scoop out the ones that crack and plant 1/4 inch. in if using soil, the bunk ones will float to the top and stay there. I get like a true germination rate, I'm sure the dude shows ya I'm gonna watch it but that is in my opinion the best way, out of all the other methods I found to work the best in a warm dark cabinet, distilled water only and stir every other day. oh ya never touch with your fingers peace out, Boxit

Im not as experienced as you. im only on my first grow (just started my second). but I tried basically every type of germination way, and the cup of water is the best for me.
I use pH'd water, with a very very low dose of Hormex Vitamin B with growth hormones. it really seems to make a difference in speed and how healthy the seedling becomes.
soo the other day i was talking to my friend about how we could get discounts or free nutrients/seeds we did a lil bit of smoking and figured it out lol :weed:
And this is what came in the mail two weeks later :smile:
I will tell you how you can get some free nutrients for your self and even some seeds if your luck :wink: For free. This is 100% freee..
But you have to do something for me just click on the refferl link to the cool website below and singnup after that just message me and i will check if you did then i will tell you how to get the free good. :smile:
stoned free is the worst video iv ever witnessed. its written by morons from 1997 that still think its ok to listen to the cardigans. thsi video is very vague and can give beginners the wrong ideas.
great thread thank you for posting.
nice to be able to brush up on everything!