Free Hemp Wick


Active Member
(posted this somewhere else thought I'd share the freebie with all of RIU)

I have used hemp wicks they have there issues but as a medical advocate I am all for hemp wicks for medical patients whom feel they must smoke for whatever reason versus other forms of consumption. Why? butane gas not only effects the flavor of the cannabis that you or another grower has worked so hard on but it is also BAD for you. Wikipedia has a lot of information on the long term effects of butane inhalation and overdose (such as the idiots who huff the stuff or the impatient whom make hash oil and light up before it has thoroughly evaporated) take perticular note of the excerpts from medical dictionaries as they have more weight than what some dude just posted.

Now for the record I AM NOT ENDORSED OR AFFILIATED WITH WHOLLY HEMP WICK'S INC.! I do not work with them or for them they do not know me or neither do I know them as individuals I can't help in any way with customer service, but they offer daily raffles and here is the big one 1 free hemp wick. YES FREE! So if you want to give it a try, and don't know anywhere locally goto their website: send a S.A.S.E. to them and they will send you a hemp wick simple as that.

EDIT: Free sample also available from: creds to stoneyluv for finding that one.


Well-Known Member
I had to laugh at teh "how to use hemp wick" video....Hold flame over bowl? NO WAI!!! stoners are funny


Active Member
do they really LMAO
Yes they do, it's the same reason directions on how to toast a pop tart are on the box. And yes step one is remove the pop-tart, from the plastic bag. Step 2 is really hard... place inside toaster tray step 3 though is obviously the best part "toast until desired" those are the instructions on my local supermarket brand box of pop tarts... If not for stoners then there is one other excuse, we have too many lawyers. Seriously there is an overinflux within the industry, too many lawyers equals case action law suit for strange things. "Your honor my client saw no warning otherwise so felt the plastic wrapping was special toasting container due to the silver tint of the what was apparently plastic. My client's toaster then set aflame igniting his home ablaze, we are asking $22,000 for his home "chateau rolling manor" in shady acres and the possessions contained within and $8,500,000 in pain and suffering for this traumatic incident."


hemp wick is the shit. I think the best is the humboldt hemp wick so far. It seems like there is a new hemp wick on the internet everyday! There are like 10 out there if you google organic hemp wick. Try the humboldt samples here:

I sent them the envelope like they asked and they sent me back 20 feet for free! :blaze: