Free Plants outside is it too cold


Well-Known Member
my buddy just told me about 3 plants he has outdoors and he is moving and just harvested a shit load. It has just started getting cold this last week. tonight it is going to be low 40's. he said they are 4 feet tall last he saw them. Will there be any bud on them worth smoking or will it be ruined. what happens when it gets to cold?


Well-Known Member
Well the plants may die but I don't know that it would effect the buds at all let me find out


Well-Known Member
yea he just told me tonight and he said he wasnt going to get them so i said i would so im going tomorrow so hopefully theyll be alright i am in the northeast


Well-Known Member
depends on alot of variables like are they female or are they male or when he started them or has somwon else has already found them. but if thr conditions are right you should have some bud.


Well-Known Member
coldness isnt going to do much to the bud, it may kill the plant, but if theres good bud on the plant, then the bud is still good.

Go getchu some.


Well-Known Member
just to let you all know i got them and the bud is still good and they were still going good. they went threw about 3 or 4 frosts. got about an oz maybe lil more. Nothing like free buds