You can email most companies and they will send you a sample...most people just are not as cheap as this retard.
No your right he should not take free shit he is obviously excited about using for fear of being "cheap" probably shouldn't share it with the community where it obviously has some value and has already sparked interest, that would be
retarded ... I do this shit all the time, believe me Im not hurting for cash, if anything to try out products before I go throw money at companies like AN cause they have a bright bottle. I want to know it works. But you keep your pride, and your big truck and dont worry when the ladies laugh cause the jimmy hat slides right off your half massed quarter sized dick, its alright... by this time they seen and heard it all before. At least your paying for stuff you think might work before you know for sure and can come on the internet and call someone stupid. Stupid. I ll keep packing fat bowls for friends for free grown with products I was gifted cause I was outgoing and asked. Call me cheap makes me smile

List of others that will gladly send samples IME;
Plants success
General Hydroponics (Kinda a bitch)
Rock Nutrients
Peruvian Gold Organics (Highly Recommend)
Dyna Gro (The best, Period. Dont believe me grab a sample)
And Im sure many other I havent even tried....
Be diligent and courteous it goes along way, they might just be used to dealing with guys like billy badass from above! -S0uP