Free Syria Army, Obama's friends, terrorist group, or both?


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think? I am going out on a limb and saying BOTH.

Search the atrocities commited by FSA...

In July, several factions within the Free Syrian Army decided to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State terror group.

The Obama administration has over the past couple years delivered weapons and supplies to the Free Syrian Army. According to intelligence assessments, the United States has trained some 20,000 FSA fighters. The administration reportedly has provided FSA with small arms, assault rifles, shoulder-fired rocket-propelled grenades, and TOW anti-tank missiles. A US official told theNY Daily News that the Central Intelligence Agency was training the FSA on how to use the weapons that the US had agreed to distribute.

According to another Free Syrian Army commander, the combining of forces with the Islamist terror outfits was needed in order to achieve the greater good. “We have reached a point where we have to collaborate with anyone against unfairness and injustice,” said FSA commander Abu Khaled. “Let’s face it: The Nusra Front is the biggest power present right now in Qalamoun and we as FSA would collaborate on any mission they launch as long as it coincides with our values,” the commander concluded.

The commander of FSA has freely admitted that they also want to create a Caliphate, an Islamic State with Sharia Law...

That is the reason they rebelled against Assad, not his torture and killing, but that he allows non-muslims peaceful living.
Abu Saleh left Libya in 2012 for Turkey and then crossed into Syria. “First I fought under what people call the ‘Free Syrian Army’ but then switched to Al Nusra. And I have already decided I will join the Islamic State when my wounds are healed,” the 28-year-old said from a hospital in Turkey, where he is receiving medical treatment. He had been injured during a battle with the Syrian Army, he said, and was brought to Turkey with false documents. “Some of the Syrian people who they trained have joined the Islamic State and others jabhat al Nusra,” he said, smiling. He added, “Sometimes I joke around and say that I am a fighter made by America
Thank You Mr. President....

“Thanks to the Arab spring and the West fighting all these rulers for us, we had enough time to grow and recruit in the Middle East, Europe and the U.S,” Abu Farouk said. Then he paused for some seconds and smiled. “Actually, we should say, thank you, Mr. President.”
"We want a regime that applies sharia law, but that is fair and just," said Abu Mohammad, a Free Syrian Army commander in Aleppo and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
You're not wrong, it's both.

When you have enough stupid people in a country who will vote a radical Muslim into the presidency, could there be other expectations as to the end result?
Publicly announces he's gonna arm a terrorist group on 9/11.

Either completely retarded or next dimensional trolling.
Central Intelligence Agency was training the FSA on how to use the weapons that the US had agreed to distribute.
Funny, you're more likely to be killed by a cop in America than a muslim extremist

But you won't hear that on Fox News, now will you?
Funny, you're more likely to be killed by a cop in America than a muslim extremist

But you won't hear that on Fox News, now will you?
That must mean you're over 1000x more likely to be killed by a young black male than a terrorist in the US.

Maybe they should start droning the ghettos?
Anyone find it suspicious how two days ago Britain announced they would have no part of the coalition, so yesterday a British Journalist was "beheaded". Now Britain can convince the people they need to attack as well.
This is such a clear-cut setup it is unbelievable.

We are getting our PIPELINE one way or another!
Anyone find it suspicious how two days ago Britain announced they would have no part of the coalition, so yesterday a British Journalist was "beheaded". Now Britain can convince the people they need to attack as well.
This is such a clear-cut setup it is unbelievable.

We are getting our PIPELINE one way or another!
What pipeline?