Free Tricks To Increase Yields.


Well-Known Member
After veg, if you want to force your plant into flowering faster, just leave it in a dark room with no light for about 3 months, because depriving a plant of energy makes it happy...:shock::-?:confused:

Some people...


Well-Known Member
If you're going to attempt to mock me in your signature, at least include sarcasm :-? (you tool).


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that what you've done is bad... it's a really smart idea to get alot of co2 but there's alot of noobs/greeners that don't know shit about shit and could really die over this.

This is not something I would recommend to anyone other than a qualified HVAC/PLUMBER. Or just no idiots. I keep thinking of Co2 monitors that you can buy for your house, would be a good idea in this situation to keep your asses safe.

Like the foliar spray idea. I have a few plants starting flower right now and would like to try this idea. Panhead how often do you do this during the flowering cycle?
Your right about the noobs & morons & that is exactly why at the onset of this thread i made sure to qualify my reccomendation with a warning,the warning stated that if the persons skill set did not include them having the ability to safely install a hot water heater than they should not attempt this method,any questions regarding rise,fall or run length of the exhaust pipe would allready have been fully understood by qualified installers,pointing out all the different dangers to noobs was & still is a mute effort as this method was never intended for those without the ability & skill set needed, as was pointed out at the start,the only people who would be in any danger from this method is the people who did not heed my inital warning & performed work they were never qualified to do in the 1st place.

As for the foliar spray method i have been forced to stop using it for several reasons,my grows have grown in scope to the point i have too many lights covering flood & drain tables at all different stages of growth,tables that range from day 1 of 12/12 all the way to the final days of harvest,the plants in the table on their 1st few days of 12/12 would stretch from the lack of HID lighting.

The added humidity was another obstacle i could not easily overcome,even though the rooms are 100% climate controled the added moisture from spraying so many plants would tax the dehumidifiers so heavily where bud rott would be a constant danger.

When the grows were of a more managable size i used foliar sprays only once durring the bud cycle with pretty good results,plus i got the added savings on the power bill from one less day of running the big lights.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Don't bother them. Of all the things, just leaving them be is the most effective free method I know. The more you handle the plants it seems the less they pack on.