Freezing seeds.

Freezing seeds any seed is best for long term storage

its VIP to keep water away from the seed so it don't accidentally germ or even imbibe moisture

keeping moisture away from those sensitive germing cells is vital for any long term storage

hence the freeze, the rice or any chem that can remove wet from the seed zone

cool dark place is ok for a few days, but imo not more than a week at most

good luck


Seeds stored in a freezer - dry out so much you get poor germination!
What do you think freezer "burn" is? Ever heard of "freeze dried"?

Bad idea!

Go with the well sealed in the meat or veggie tray's - Veggie tray's are more moist and meat trays are too, plus colder = Best bet!
The "global seed vault" is located in Norway's arctic permafrost.. 430k species. Largest one in the world. There is no seed vault in Antarctica.

The way the seeds are sealed and stored is critical. The place is in sections. Each is specifically climate controlled, and some seeds can not be frozen at all.
The way the seeds are sealed and stored is critical. The place is in sections. Each is specifically climate controlled, and some seeds can not be frozen at all.
Yeah, I would imagine many seeds from the tropics would not "winter over" very well.
I put seeds in old pill bottles, those go in a gallon zip lock with silica packs, that gets stored in my basement. I've been popping seeds that are 5 yrs old, no issues. I've stored seeds this way that got into the mid 80s in storage and they still popped. Keeping them dry is more important than temperature, anything between 30-60F is fine as long as they are dry.
Generally anything I want to put into long term storage goes into a vacuum sealed bag. There was a time I was nitrogen purging before sealing. I'm wondering if this would be good for seeds?
The worlds seed bank , which stores every seed U could think of , from clover to carrot seed, to date palm , is underground in Antarctia, every country in the world has seed in there, that should give us a clue
Thank you! Ive been trying to explain this very thing to a couple friends. Svalbard global seed vault I believe its called. EVERY country has seeds stored their in permafrost including the middle east and other tropical areas INCLUDING cannabis seeds . Seed vault does it, I do it and for me its an end of story topic regardless the discussion. You must store them properly and bring them to temperature properly thus preserving their integrity and germination rate ect. It probably is not a good idea to freeze seeds if you do not understand how to do it properly.
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[QUOTE="Poontanger, post: 13414120, member: 947714"]The worlds seed bank , which stores every seed U could think of , from clover to carrot seed, to date palm , is underground in Antarctia, every country in the world has seed in there, that should give us a clue[/QUOTE]

The seedbank is 120 metres (390 ft) inside a sandstone mountain on Spitsbergen Island,[9] and employs robust security systems. Seeds are packaged in special three-ply foil packets and heat sealed to exclude moisture.[10] The facility is managed by the Nordic Genetic Resource Center, though there are no permanent staff on-site.

Spitsbergen was considered ideal because it lacked tectonic activity and had permafrost, which aids preservation. Its being 130 metres (430 ft) above sea level will keep the site dry even if the ice caps melt.[9] Locally mined coal provides power for refrigeration units that further cool the seeds to the internationally recommended standard of −18 °C (−0.4 °F). If the equipment fails, at least several weeks will elapse before the facility rises to the surrounding sandstone bedrock's temperature of −3 °C (27 °F).

A feasibility study prior to construction determined that the vault could, for hundreds of years, preserve most major food crops' seeds. Some, including those of important grains, could survive far longer—possibly thousands of years.

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault officially opened on 26 February 2008.[2] Approximately 1.5 million distinct seed samples of agricultural crops are thought to exist. The variety and volume of seeds stored will depend on the number of countries participating – the facility has a capacity to conserve 4.5 million. The first seeds arrived in January 2008.[13] Five percent of the seeds in the vault, about 18,000 samples with 500 seeds each, come from the Centre for Genetic Resources of the Netherlands (CGN), part of Wageningen University, Netherlands. By 2013, approximately one-third of the genera diversity stored in gene banks globally was represented at the Seed Vault


garden store seeds seed storage

About 6,320,000 results (0.64 seconds)*

REALLY? Go back and read more then the one you selected to.

MOST of those listings - don't have freezing listed.
You don't seem to know that cannabis seeds can not dry out and remain viable well. The use of any desiccant can and will, in time render your seeds dry and they won't absorb the needed water to pop.....

Sealed into little vac pouch's and then foil-plastic sealed.....Kept at 41 F is the years and years viable chosen method....

Plastic bags and such = humidity does go out the bag! Even vac sealed bags will in time.....That's why foil freshness preserving, heat sealed bags rule...No loss of RH of the things inside it. No rice or crackers or ANY dry it out materials in the bag with the beans.

sorry V
I found and germinated seeds I found in a bag in a little box that has been there for 7 years. They are looking great right now in the spot.
The "global seed vault" is located in Norway's arctic permafrost.. 430k species. Largest one in the world. There is no seed vault in Antarctica.
The big azz hole to the inner earth where aliens live is in Antarctica... Duh! ;-)
Thx Vostok, ill stand corrected, when i saw it on telly it was snowing, & i thought they said Antarctia, the point is there not @ room temp , cheers

Vostok Base(Ru) is in Antarctica is a secret base

where millions of human embryos are stored in cryo/ice not to be confused with plants

thats Norway ..up north


420,000 years of ice core data from Vostok, Antarctica, research station. Current period is at left.
From bottom to top: insolation at 65°N due toMilankovitch cycles (connected to 18O); 18O isotope ofoxygen;
levels of methane (CH4); relative temperature; levels of carbon dioxide (CO2).


ps in Fiction: Vostok Station is leased by an American millionaire hoping to remain safe in the aftermath of a global zombie outbreak in Max Brooks's novel World War Z.
View attachment 3909307
Vostok Base(Ru) is in Antarctica is a secret base

where millions of human embryos are stored in cryo/ice not to be confused with plants

thats Norway ..up north


420,000 years of ice core data from Vostok, Antarctica, research station. Current period is at left.
From bottom to top: insolation at 65°N due toMilankovitch cycles (connected to 18O); 18O isotope ofoxygen;
levels of methane (CH4); relative temperature; levels of carbon dioxide (CO2).


ps in Fiction: Vostok Station is leased by an American millionaire hoping to remain safe in the aftermath of a global zombie outbreak in Max Brooks's novel World War Z.
I think Mulder and Scully were down there once....