French Vanilla Coffee Fans!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
So im looking to buy some FVC.

Whats your fav brand for this type?
Fuck French Vanilla. Pumpkin spice is where it's at. Then there are pumpkin spice bagels with a pumpkin spice cream cheese spread. :D

This is my favorite time of year because that's the only time my favorite coffee shop serves pumpkin spice ANYTHING. It's a sad sad day when they stop serving it. :(

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i don't do french vanilla so i'm no help, but i do enjoy a good hazlenut and to be perfectly honest plain ol' maxwell house is what i choose if i buy flavored grind. it's the only one that actually still tastes like coffee. i hate folgers, dunkin coffee is almost bland (i do drink it by the gallon iced in the summer, hazlenut). i suppose it depends on what you want out of the coffee. some people like robust, some people like mild, some people like tons of vanilla, some like a more subtle flavor. then there's how you brew is complicated shit. if you like a mild roast and medium vanilla flavor i would reccomend dunkin's, but maxwell house is not to be underestimated.


bud bootlegger
nice ! they got some kickass coffees man...the jamiacan me crazy looks good, hows thier Irish coffee? Im down with good Jamaican (bluemountain) or a good hawiian (kona) is dank java to
damn, you know your coffee dizzle.. they used to carry jamiacan blue mountain when i worked there like 20 years ago, and it was like $50 a pound or so, so i can't imagine how much it goes for now..
and kona is almost as good as jbm, both are very smooth, medium bodied and not too acidic, very good combo's imo..
that jamican me crazy one is new as i've never heard of it, at first i thought i was on the cali connection site, lol. their irish cream was one of my faves for sure.. super taste and smell..
barnies has some killer flavored coffees, and some really good non flavored like the kona and blue mountain for top of the line stuff, plus lots of good in the middle of the roads as well, depending on how you like your coffee, more acidic and bitter, or more mild and smooth..
their espresso beans and french roast were the darkest and oiliest beans i've ever seen in my life..

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
damn, you know your coffee dizzle.. they used to carry jamiacan blue mountain when i worked there like 20 years ago, and it was like $50 a pound or so, so i can't imagine how much it goes for now..
and kona is almost as good as jbm, both are very smooth, medium bodied and not too acidic, very good combo's imo..
that jamican me crazy one is new as i've never heard of it, at first i thought i was on the cali connection site, lol. their irish cream was one of my faves for sure.. super taste and smell..
barnies has some killer flavored coffees, and some really good non flavored like the kona and blue mountain for top of the line stuff, plus lots of good in the middle of the roads as well, depending on how you like your coffee, more acidic and bitter, or more mild and smooth..
their espresso beans and french roast were the darkest and oiliest beans i've ever seen in my life..
you know it brotha! lol i love java, im a savage if aint got it first thing in the AM, but i do apreciate a good coffee jus as much as i do my weed ( they go hand in hand for me lol). French roast is tight, so is a good expresso or a nice brazilian brew....the dark oily joes are kickass with a kush or a skunk joint...Kona and Bluemountain are good with everything! lol

i tried growin a couple Arabica plants last year but they died :/


bud bootlegger
you know it brotha! lol i love java, im a savage if aint got it first thing in the AM, but i do apreciate a good coffee jus as much as i do my weed ( they go hand in hand for me lol). French roast is tight, so is a good expresso or a nice brazilian brew....the dark oily joes are kickass with a kush or a skunk joint...Kona and Bluemountain are good with everything! lol

i tried growin a couple Arabica plants last year but they died :/
i've thought about trying to grow some arabica plants as well, but it's not so easy, once you get the beans you've still got to dry and then roast them, which is probably the hardest part, and the easiest to fuck up, lol.. i was friends with this guy i worked with there, and he was a huge coffee nut and we would go over to some coffee houses in philly where they roasted their own beans and all, and it was pretty interesting and cool to watch and learn about it for sure..

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i've thought about trying to grow some arabica plants as well, but it's not so easy, once you get the beans you've still got to dry and then roast them, which is probably the hardest part, and the easiest to fuck up, lol.. i was friends with this guy i worked with there, and he was a huge coffee nut and we would go over to some coffee houses in philly where they roasted their own beans and all, and it was pretty interesting and cool to watch and learn about it for sure..
shit mine didnt even make it to the "it has beans" stage lol...i dunno wtf was wrong but the leaves all started to fall off of it, the plant looked real healthy to. Ima have to read more about em and try it again. Ill do it indoors this time, maybe th elight intensity wasnt enuf in the yard.

roasting beans is an art man for reals..i never really thought about that step when i had the plants LOL


bud bootlegger
shit mine didnt even make it to the "it has beans" stage lol...i dunno wtf was wrong but the leaves all started to fall off of it, the plant looked real healthy to. Ima have to read more about em and try it again. Ill do it indoors this time, maybe th elight intensity wasnt enuf in the yard.

roasting beans is an art man for reals..i never really thought about that step when i had the plants LOL

the thing i'm not sure about with coffee plants is whether or not they produce fruit, ie, beans, the first year or not, or if they need a few years to mature like say a apple tree or what have you..
i've never really done much research on growing them, but always thought that it sounded like fun, and i see them for sale once in awhile on some ethno sites for not a bad price..

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
the thing i'm not sure about with coffee plants is whether or not they produce fruit, ie, beans, the first year or not, or if they need a few years to mature like say a apple tree or what have you..
i've never really done much research on growing them, but always thought that it sounded like fun, and i see them for sale once in awhile on some ethno sites for not a bad price..
good question dude, i was baked outa my tree when i bought em, it was an impulse thing cuz i never seen one before...but im thinkn the lady said it would fruit later that plants were prolly 8-10 inches when i got em, i didnt go from seed with em. Bbut i know what your saying, alota trees/plants have to mature before they fruit


Active Member
nice ! they got some kickass coffees man...the jamiacan me crazy looks good, hows thier Irish coffee? Im down with good Jamaican (bluemountain) or a good hawiian (kona) is dank java to
I use 10 tblsp of Jamaican Blue Mountain for a full 54 oz French press using 2 bottles of Fiji water to make my morning 4 ounce cup. After the foreshot pour, the rest either gets dumped or passed down to the peons.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I use 10 tblsp of Jamaican Blue Mountain for a full 54 oz French press using 2 bottles of Fiji water to make my morning 4 ounce cup. After the foreshot pour, the rest either gets dumped or passed down to the peons.
you dont fuck around with the java! that sounds like some seriously good shit !


bud bootlegger
I use 10 tblsp of Jamaican Blue Mountain for a full 54 oz French press using 2 bottles of Fiji water to make my morning 4 ounce cup. After the foreshot pour, the rest either gets dumped or passed down to the peons.
french presses are the shit for coffee, probably the single best method to make coffee if you're a coffee snob like us, lol... hot water, wait four minutes and plunge that bad boy, lol..

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i had one of these for about 15 was identical to this old grand dad gave it to me when i was about 14, it finnaly busted beyond repair years back (R.I.P.) But if you wanna make real expresso the ol skewl way, you use the stove top perc. And theres an art to using it right to, like any other bomb ass coffee device lol


bud bootlegger
i had one of these for about 15 was identical to this old grand dad gave it to me when i was about 14, it finnaly busted beyond repair years back (R.I.P.) But if you wanna make real expresso the ol skewl way, you use the stove top perc. And theres an art to using it right to, like any other bomb ass coffee device lol
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lol, god, i havent seen one of those bad boys in like 20 years.. check that barnies website as i know that they used to carry them when i worked there many moons ago...

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i had one of these for about 15 was identical to this old grand dad gave it to me when i was about 14, it finnaly busted beyond repair years back (R.I.P.) But if you wanna make real expresso the ol skewl way, you use the stove top perc. And theres an art to using it right to, like any other bomb ass coffee device lol
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fuck yeah on the stovetop perc. i still have one that works. the knob on the lid is glass so you can watch the coffee get sucked up and then trickle down. electric percs aren't bad at all but there's something about making it on a gas range that just makes it so damn good. there is a skill to be obtained. there's no popup or timer to tell you when it's done. just trial and error. awesome coffee.