Fresh newbie, 400W/1 Plant, indoor soil.


Well-Known Member
welcome ray .. ya steez and I tend to joke and be smart asses lol.. we started bullshitting and found out he lives like 30 mins away.. so i been hangin out a little more .. feel free to stay around!.. I have my own journal too if ya would like to check it out.. im about to start harvesting soon.. I been part of a collective and growing at other locations with friends and family for a couple years.. but this is my first SOLO grow. But i seem to be addicted to reading and researching.. Ill reply to your post in the morning when im not baked on hash :) .. its fathers day soo im treating myself LOL.. have a good one .. talk to ya soon!


Well-Known Member
More people! nice!

hopefully this will turn into a thread where everyone whos new can ask a question, and me and alotaball can be the talk show hosts!!! [drum roll]

haha I would give it a couple more days, maybe even a week to put her in a dixie... but thats just cause i'm cautious... how tall is your plant so far?
I swear, me and you sound alike though, biggest thing that sucks is having to wait haha.


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:Also ! I'm doing another Neem Oil spa session tomorrow for the girls, I'll try not to drown them bahahaha.
Instead of Dawn I'm going to use the shit I got yesterday, that "Coco-Wet"... I read somewhere that it can be used to replace the soap and I would rather buy something to take that position yaaaknow?
also that it's a wetting agent or something, hell.. half this stuff I read after going through other peoples forums and being creeper status trying to find all their secrets.
anyways, it says to do the bath before lights out, so i figured I'd do it tonight, but I don't want to jump the gun.
and last time I just took them out, bathed them.. then let them dry and let them have their daily sun.. it says not to do it.. but everything seems fine?

But we'll see how that goes.. hopefully I wont throw up.:spew:


Well-Known Member
LOL im high so im gonna tell a story.. your talking about how nasty smelling neem is.. SO anyhow .. I bought a clone .. it had Powdery Mildew.. that appeared a day or two after.. I killed.. went to the hydro store to get a ORGANIC fungacide .. I bought Serenade.. got ready to treat the rest of the girls for preventive reasons... read the directions.. and started to spray.. right infront of the fan with the lights about to go off... SHIT FLEW STRAIGHT INTO MY FACE MOUTH EYES NOSE FUCKKKK.. I presumed because it said ORGANIC .. it would be like garlic oil .. or orange extract.. something no harsh. OMG this shit was like rotton donkey balls pressed into a liquid.. STUNK like FUCK .. burnt .. it was Horrible...Ran to the bathroom with bottle in hand.. tried to read the label.. CAUTION: DO NOT INHALE >> IF INHALED CALL POISEN HOTLINE>>> SUDDEN BREATHING OR SEIZURES MAY OCCUR>>>> MAY CAUSE BLINDNESS >>> RESPIRATORY INFECTION and basically every miserable thing you could imagine happening to your body.. So ya that sucked.. and even if its organic.. read the fucking warning label..

Ps... PH DOWN will burn your fucking hands.. THAT WAS LESSON NUMBER 2 i learned that week. It said it on the bottle as well.. but im tough .. ya right fuckin dumbass lol ahhh time for another rip :)


Well i woke up this morning to find that the new 27w 5500k cfl is making it grow again. Its not gotten taller but the 2 mj leaves are wider and longer, pausing to upload a pic and get stoned. It's just shy of 2 inches. the light is 5 inches above it untill it get s little growth on it, then ill shove it up to 2 inches above it.

dump 108.jpg


Well-Known Member
hahahahhahahahahhahahaha. I officially think I should of bought the neutral PH rubber gloves now lol ! and i'm going to read the warning labels on the neem aswell, holy shit hahahahaha SEIZURES?! that sounds like a friend of mine, we were painting his dresser with spray paint.. and he was like spraying at head height with the wind blowing, and he inhaled some. But this guy flipped, he ran home and got his grandma to take him to the hospital lol.

HELL YEA, that little baby is fighting for life again. that's good. Try not to keep the light too far away from the plant so it doesnt have to stretch out and become all lanky you know?


Well-Known Member
Steez I threw a couple pics up of the hindu's from last night in my journal if ya wanna check out ur ladies future :) MY god is that tent starting to STINK to high heaven.. HOLY HELL.. citrus skunky grapey musky cheesy fruity goodness .... Hang in there steez with the little setbacks because when it gets close to the end .. its like xmas everytime the lights come on.. I run in and open my tent all giddy and excited :).. I am having a problem though .. I have 4 plants waiting to go into flower.. and they are turning into fucking bushes.. I cant close the closet doors. GO buy a tray of rapid rooters.. and ill GIVE you 25 clones to make these fuckers stay manageable lol


Well-Known Member
Hell yea! I'll go to the hydro store at 6 and pick up a tray haha. FUCK MAN, This makes me just want to scrap my crop and start with yours :p

But my master bubba is lookin purty, aswell at my desert dream. Will upload pics in 5-10 minutes when I finished saving them all.

and i'ma check out your hindu christmas tree right meowwww :O
Evening steezz, alota and ray.

Hope you're all doing ok, plants look good. I checked out your grow alota and big up ur rep plus for all the help you hand out to others you go down as one of the good guys.

In terms of your mite problem steez i have all sympathy with you, it's not only mj that gets it's life sucked out of it by these spawns of the devil. Fortunately they've not appeared in my grow yet but at the nursery we try and control as best we can with predator bugs at work and they do a pretty good job although sometimes we do have to spray. I did have a little outbreak of aphids and four ladybugs did the trick. I'm sure with your determination you'll get it sorted and sound to me like you're on the right track.

All the talk about exchanging clones between you two makes me so envious, have to be super stealthy here, only me and my wife know about my little garden.


Well-Known Member
Ya its nice having a little freedom in cali when it comes to growing.. if I was anywhere but here.. No one would know of my grow but myself. THanks for the compliments.... you seem like a cool dude.. if you were close I would invite ya when I harvest for some bbq smoke and umm 30 hrs of trimming LOL .


Well-Known Member
NOoo I wanna see how your genetics turn out .. cus if they are good.. I want to try em too lol . I want to order some SUper lemon haze seeds.. but I have to much going on already. ANy of you guys smoke SLH before? PRob one of my favorite smokes..


Well-Known Member
Evening steezz, alota and ray.

Hope you're all doing ok, plants look good. I checked out your grow alota and big up ur rep plus for all the help you hand out to others you go down as one of the good guys.

In terms of your mite problem steez i have all sympathy with you, it's not only mj that gets it's life sucked out of it by these spawns of the devil. Fortunately they've not appeared in my grow yet but at the nursery we try and control as best we can with predator bugs at work and they do a pretty good job although sometimes we do have to spray. I did have a little outbreak of aphids and four ladybugs did the trick. I'm sure with your determination you'll get it sorted and sound to me like you're on the right track.

All the talk about exchanging clones between you two makes me so envious, have to be super stealthy here, only me and my wife know about my little garden.
Haha!! I love california man, and i'm legit patient. Not someone who goes into a Doctors office in venice and says they can't sleep. I have KIDNEY STONES. yes, I said it. I piss rocks, I dont smoke them. LOL.
But it's great with so much freedom, really can't be touched here. Why would the feds come to my house and bust my small 4 plant operation when I have like 20 clinics in my area making like 5k a day, thats how I see it.
And I just spent this whole time reading that article, forgot to post my pics. going up now.

But as for mites, this shit sucks. But i'm not gonna give up, aslong as I keep spraying and stay ontop of it I think i'll be fine, after this current spraying a bunch of bugs didnt seem happy because a lot more of them showed up ontop of the leaves... so I think ITS DOING THE TRICK!!!

The Master Bubba is looking danker and danker, and I have 3 ties on my Dream now.
First LST is the trunk, or base, or main stem or whatever holding it in position.
Second LST is holding the top down.
Third LST is pulling the top around the side of the pot since after the second LST it kept growing up even though I pulled it down.



Well-Known Member
I told the old lady about the 25 clones, I shouldn't have.

Now she wants to go buy another system for a veg room to keep them all alive, she has a problem with anything that needs a home lol.
Thanks for the invite alotaball just the little obstacle that is the atlantic ocean to overcome! Never tried SLH but read plenty of good things about it. Will be harvesting Dutch Passion's Brainstorm in the next couple of weeks then will be some LSD, Orange Bud and White widow. I run 2 rooms 250w HPS and 600w HPS to keep my wife in meds.


Well-Known Member
And I've tried SLH. It's really really good, but probably not one of my favorites :P

It is actually the first strain my old lady claimed was her favorite though, but we've smoked hundreds since then haha.

damn Ragged i'm jealous you should try to post some pictures of those ladies :]