fresh pistils at 55 days flower?


Well-Known Member
Ok, no pictures right now cos I didn't take my phone in with me, but some of the buds I had down as nearly finish have thrown out a whole bunch of new white pistils that I wasn;t expecting. The strain guide recons they're about done, I was gonna give them another week or so. Is this a common occurrence?

Also, one of the branches that looks most mature has been producing (I hate this term, it makes me nnnngggrr...) 'naners', which I understand can indicate maturaty as the plant tries to self pollinate at the end of life. Truth in that?

Cheers all
Not saying this is what it is, but the one plant I can specifically remember this happening with had self pollinated more than any other plant of mine had before or after.
If your plant's top cola is throwing out new pistis [hairs] plant is not done...
Also, one of the branches that looks most mature has been producing (I hate this term, it makes me nnnngggrr...) 'naners', which I understand can indicate maturaty as the plant tries to self pollinate at the end of life. Truth in that?
Naners not good... I'd bet, one exploded without you knowing, and gave all what you have in bud room pollen, and that = seeds...
I hope not for your sake...
Playing with Nanars... danger....danger...danger...
yeah, not great sign I'm sure! The naners are tiny empty looking things, which I've tweezered out. There's obviously little chance I've found every one, but we can hope. I've let a male grow on to maturity in an outside grow taking and splitting pollen sacks throughout to learn a bit about them, so I can safely say these are early/immature and a long way off the state they'd split open of their own accord.
No top cola here, I be scrogging! This morning there were about 5 heads that were showing new growth that appeared over the prevous 12 hour light period. I'll find out what the situation is now a 9 pm. I'll add some pictures shortly after.
And blowincherrypie, if you're right, I'll be opening a seed bank! The conditions are there, so I guess we'll see...!
I don't really want to harvest yet, I could but I think it's too soon. I'll happily take oppinions on that once I post some pictures later.

Thanks, peeps.
Some strains will throw naners at u but the plant not finishing and starting again from my experience is either there is a light leak, or stress from nutes or punk ass bugs..
Never had this.
Just a thought: chopping down the day a few hours (12 down to 10) or maybe total darkness for 2 days.

Still, good looking plant.
Yeah it's hard to know what to do really. If I find that loads more heads have started fresh growth when I check today it'll be even more confusing.
The fist bud pictured looks pretty much ready to me, but anything that's started fresh growth now looks really immature.
The tent does have a couple of pin holes you can see when the light is on inside, but it's in a fairly dark loft space so that shouldn't be a huge issue.
I think I may be cropping in the next day or so now, at least some of it. it's gonna be a multi stage crop I recon
The more mature bud you posted is ready.

With a lot of strains the tops will continue to put out new pistils while the rest of the bud is mostly ripe. In this case, you'd harvest when most of the bud is ripe, but only the tips are still growing. (say 90% mature)

If only the tips of the buds are putting out white hairs, but the rest looks mature, it's probably time to come down.
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The plant keeps going because it has equatoral sativa traits in the mix. It is the way all my hazes grow and I bred them all so I know what is the common reason. New growth phases. I only regenerate(re veg) strains that have this because I know they are still living. The ones with no new pistils are done dead.. not much chance to regenerate. Plants that keep going have peak THC windows of opportunity to harvest and if you let em go 3 to 4 months in flower you will see these times cycle new growth, peak THC, new growth, peach THC... The bannanas come with equatoral sativas and their ability to flip sex more readily and give some pollen if you let them go long. Soma calls this rhodalization method of making feminized seeds. I have seen sisters that one sister has bannanas after 3 months flower and the other never has banannas. Choose better moms that don`t give pollen if you never want seeds or pick out the bannanas as they appear.
I've been in there with the tweezers picking them as I find them, but I doubt I have them all!
Thanks for that, interesting to know.
Spraying pollen with water makes it inactive if you are afraid some pollen got out just give the buds a spray with fresh water and let dry before putting back under the lights to avoid burning.
Spraying pollen with water makes it inactive if you are afraid some pollen got out just give the buds a spray with fresh water and let dry before putting back under the lights to avoid burning.
that's something I've not heard before! Nice one. Hopefully I'll be able to limit damage if not arrest if completely.
no worrys man tends to happen LATE flower, no big issue and it makes ya bud look sweeet,

search google images u will see harvested bud with fotailing and fresh white pitsols same a syours bruv

good luck