Fresno Bans ALL Marijuana Cultivation!!

I hope your wrong Racer, but I also have a hunch you just might be right

yeah, i hope i'm wrong too.. the thing is, someone mentioned in the politics section, that no democrat has ever taken the office after another democrat held the position for 2 full terms like what is going on now.. so, according to history, our next prez is more than likely going to be a republican... can you imagine what would happen to colorado is mitt romney were to have won the last election? the guy came right out and said he doesn't support mmj, and would do everything in his power to stop it..
of course i'm not saying romney is going to win the next election, but there's a very good chance it could be someone who thinks a lot just like he does..
yeah, i hope i'm wrong too.. the thing is, someone mentioned in the politics section, that no democrat has ever taken the office after another democrat held the position for 2 full terms like what is going on now.. so, according to history, our next prez is more than likely going to be a republican... can you imagine what would happen to colorado is mitt romney were to have won the last election? the guy came right out and said he doesn't support mmj, and would do everything in his power to stop it..
of course i'm not saying romney is going to win the next election, but there's a very good chance it could be someone who thinks a lot just like he does..

Yup and thats going to cause problems for a lot growers wether they are growing 1 plant or 50 plants. We just need to stick together collectively and fight the bastards.

It's going to take a lot of effort to undo what Henry J Anslinger did so many years ago.
Hey at least I can say I lived the glory days of cannabis!

But yes you are very right racer, it needs to be rescheduled and if it isn't were all fucked.

Oh well fuck it if it goes underground again I'll never quit and we can make a huge riu underground grow railroad, we'll be pioneers I tell yea!
So are you going to wait till the perfect law to make pot legal to vote on, or
are you going to vote on the first thing that has "decriminalize" on it on the Ballot?
And just vote on the first thing you see??
So are you going to wait till the perfect law to make pot legal to vote on, or
are you going to vote on the first thing that has "decriminalize" on it on the Ballot?
And just vote on the first thing you see??

Is that question for me or what?
No, every one. They keep saying not yet wait till an election year, like we can wait till 2016...
I'm going to vote on the first thing that works for me or wait till every one is free from being
hassled/ persecuted for their choices in life thats all.