Friend doing everything wrong and refusing to take sound advice...


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one with a friend like this? Somehow I doubt it, but here's my story...

My friend of 14 years recently spent a lot of money to set up a two-chamber grow room in his basement. He's got two rooms that are 10' x 7.5' each for veg and flowering, three 600w HPS lights, one 250w MH light, fluoros for clones, passive intake, large exhaust fan, etc.

He apparently has no idea what he is doing and refuses to take the advice of any of a number of friends who have done multiple grows in the past going back 20 years. He's doing it all wrong and refuses to listen to anyone to the point of it being almost comical.

Five days ago, he bought 17 extremely healthy clones and had them under six 2' fluorescent proper cloning tray with clear canopy..not bad but not perfect. I go over there tonight and notice that the clones are no longer in the Rubbermaid container under the fluoros and notice amber light leaking out of his flowering room. DOH! Instead of keeping the clones in the cubes under fluoros as he should, he planted each one in cheap plain unsterilized soil in five gallon buckets, put them under the multiple 600w HPS lights, and started feeding them 18-18-21 Miracle Grow fertilizer meant for tomatoes. He also never cleaned the grow rooms to get rid of any bugs that may be present in the 100-year-old building.

Now, obviously, he's having big problems. They've had to constantly raise the lights due to heat and have yellowing leaves dropping off their once perfect clones. He's burning them to death with lights and over-fertilization and refuses to do any research or listen to anyone who's done this many times with great success. I predict major failure across the board.

Who else has friends like this? It's so frustrating trying to help him. He just has the "everyone thinks they're an expert" attitude but will not research on his own or listen to anyone who's trying to help him make this a success. :roll:


Well-Known Member
sucks to be him!!! what a dumb-ass:wall:. you did your part as his friend now let him lie in his own mess. he'll come cryin later!!!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
I volunteered to help a new grower with his crop this past season and had the same experience. Luckily he did end up with some smoke but it was low quality, prematurely harvested, unflushed, poorly trimmed and quickly was horrible.

I wish your friend luck but you have done all you could...everyone has to fall down in order to learn how to get up.



Active Member
school of hard knocks is a great teacher .. so much easier to learn from someone else's mistakes .... he'll be asking for advice later ... be cool about it and let 'im learn


Junior Creatologist
Hey, it took me a couple grows to get dialed in too :D

Just give him some time and let him realize that hes not maximizing his potential, and every harvest, just point out to him that he could have an lb instead of the 1/4 oz he's harvesting currently, lol.

Either way he'll get the picture. Just give him room to breathe. Im sure he just thinks that since he has the equipment, he's good to go n doesnt need anybody's advice. Personally, i picked the brains of some of the finest growers on RIU before i actually started to get the big picture. Time well spent, but Its true that Experience is the only thing that some people actually pay attention and learn from.

Hang in there man, n dont give up on the dude. I'm sure he'll get frustrated to the point of needing your help eventually, lol.



Well-Known Member
you are going to find he will do this his whole life. one thing or another.
That's just it though...he doesn't do this about anything else. Over our 14 year friendship, we've given each other advice on everything from relationships to motorcycles to, well, everything really.

For some reason, he just refuses to seek or take any advice on growing. It's frustrating because, of course, I'd like to see him do well but I don't see that happening the way he's headed. I'm wondering if he's just feeling completely overwhelmed because of his lack of knowledge.