From 3rd week flower! 6 1/2 foot sativa


Well-Known Member
most def will be cured JUST right....couple days hanging up till outside of bud are dry and the stem can bend but not snap......then into jar's for 2 weeks, burping every 12hrs

an i have visited this plant almost every other day since flowering she gets plenty of love


Well-Known Member
Well people i ran into my first big indoor problem!!!!! damn ballast went out!!! damnit to hell!!!!!!!! woke up this morning to a dark as shit grow room!!! so thats awsome! just had to spend 120$ on a new ballast on ebay, and had to express ship it to get here in 2 days or less which cost me another 40$!!!! man if its not one damn thing its another!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hurry and get cfl bulbs for now. go to lowes and for i think 9-10 bux u get 3-4 26 watters or 13 watters idk. that really sucks bro. stupid man made things lol.


Well-Known Member
well i dont really have a set up to use cfl bulbs except for like the light sockets on the celing of the room which will only hold 2 at a time....but my ballast should be here tomarrow...and i got my plants sitting by the window(which is not much light at all)and the room light on with the 2 crapy lil cfl lights that i do is a rainy day out so their is hardly any sun light at all out side!!!


Well-Known Member
:/ damn man i wish i could give u some cfls i have. im keeping my lady inside the shed mostly now with just 1 spotlight cfl thats 18 watts and whatever sunlight creeps in thru the screen door. about 7 weeks flowering. waiting til just ebfore mid november or whenever she is ready. :) def got yourself a good grow.


Well-Known Member
THANK GOD!!! it finally came!!!!! and my babies were starting to look kinda under cared for!! So everything is ok for now!!! THANK YOU E-BAY AND YOUR 2 DAY SHIPPING!!!!!!!

so.....after all that....1 600w ballast bites the dust...120$$$....gone.........1 NEW 600w ballast rises to the challange with dimming setting.......but why you would want it on anything other then 100% is beyond me....but it comes in 50% 75% and 100% power...pretty cool addition..but pointless imo......but just wanted to share the good news!!! my indoor is back up and running!!!!!!

YOU STAY STONED new sign off phrase!!!! what do ya think


Well-Known Member
big whew !!! once again those plants are gonna thriving in the grow tent :D...glad to hear that bro.



Well-Known Member
Thanks 3 auto's are already budding and my purple widow is about 7"tall...the royal queen dwarf auto is the shortest at only a couple inches. she is gonna be bushy as hell!!!!! 2 short ryder auto's are about 6" tall and starting to bud nicely.....this is my first time growing auto's and imo, they starting budding way way way to early, like 2 weeks into the whole grow!!!!!!!! i wasent expecting it to start budding till atlest week4....they showed signs of budding week 2!!!.....well......any who, im getting ready to switch my MH to a HPS and change my hours to 12/12 for my purple widow to start budding as kinda hopeing my PW is a male so i can get some seeds....but if you breed a regular plant with a auto...what kind of seeds would you get? would those seeds in turn be auto??? or not??


Well-Known Member
you would get an autoflowering plant, but it probably would grow like whatever the normal plant you sexed it with. if a sativa, itll be a sativa dom auto flowering beast and an indica would be a bushy faster autoflowering big belly. lol


Well-Known Member
hey Mad Hatter, autos sounds great to me...I never tried to grow those autos before but im def try those next year.., lets hope that your PW will be male :) so post the pictures before you induce em to 12/12 cycle bro ? ! still good job , sir :D


Well-Known Member
newOct.19 005.jpgnewOct.19 010.jpgnewOct.19 012.jpg

the two up front in the white buckets are the short ryders, back left is my Purple widow, and next to it in the back is the royal queen dwarf
kay so here is a few pic's of my indoor......they look a tad stretched to me becasue they went 3 days with no light at all..oh well, im back on track now...just started LST'ing yesterday gettting ready to go to 12/12 so my purple widow can start budding with the other 3 autos that are already budding

just now set my timer to 6am-6pm


Well-Known Member
sweet sweet those auto seedlings looks very good ! i cant believe that seedling already flowering early !! I think this will end up bigger cola than other autos :)

you re doing beautiful with LSTs with those seedlings, it looks really good !

hows sativa doing outside ? when is the chop chop day?

I appreciate for the pictures that you posted...thanks bro.

happy growing and peace



Well-Known Member
Thanks izo, i hope they get huge main colas on them!!! just switched out my MH bulb for my HPS to finish off with for flowering!!....


Well-Known Member
well some sad news but with really good news!!! bad news, think im gonna have to shut my indoor operation down for a few weeks.because of the good news....FINALLY GOT MY FIRST HOUSE!!!! GOODBY RENTING AND THROWING AWAY MY MONEY EVERY MONTH!!!!!! but i will be moveing all my house shit and will have a bunch of people will be helping me move in my new house moveing and takeing shit out of my old house and bout 99% of those people have no idea i grow or need to no...but i dont think i will be able to keep them alive for like 2 3 weeks while a bunch of people will be in and out of my new house wanting to check everything out...and no i dont have not 1 person to watch my grow or keep it at their house or anything like looks like im just gonna have to start over in a few weeks...oh well..really dosent bother me that much seeing that i got a new house!!!!


Well-Known Member
lol thats great news , bro...i know how ya feel about move into your dream house so fukk you can build custom of grow room , thats very bonus !! you will plenty time to grow again.
