From Colorado to Northern Idaho?...


Might be moving from Denver up to Sandpoint ID, and I'm kind of concerned as a current MMJ card holder.
How is the scene in Spokane?
When I move should bring my stash?
Are the police on the highway at the border with Washington on the hunt?
Should I stop over-thinking it?


New Member
Idaho cops are brutal.My x-in'laws are from there

read the "got busted,almost thread" reply number 27.

IDK how to give a link.


Well-Known Member
Im in spokane area man...sandpoint is.close to.schwietzert ...nice big for boardin but expensive60$ a ticket....the bud in spokane is purty good too...idk bout idaho...u should come to spokane instead only like an hour or two from sandpoint but weed is legal here :)


Well-Known Member
And no i never see any police on washington idaho boarder...i work 10 min from wa/id state line

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
If your considering Idaho, just stay in Colorado. Idaho is zero tolerance. They don't fuck around. My buddy did 3 days for a gram. I've lived in Spokane since the day I was born. Its leaps and bounds better then any city in Idaho. Good bud. Honestly though, I'm tired of this place. Its a big but small city. It seems everyone knows everyone. Its weird. I want out. Stay away from Idaho. Washington has the same climate but better weed laws.


New Member
Depends on where in Idaho. Up north above the "mormon belt" they're not so bad. If you're down south you might as well be in Utah.

like I always say,it ain't who ya know,it's who ya blow....Really though, the whole Idaho has no problem with profiling and shit.And as mention they are zero tolerance.Scary Shit


Well fuck... Problem is, I might not have a choice in the move. I lived long enough in another intolerant before, I just hope I remember how to. Thanks again everyone.
Maybe I'll bump into someone in Spokane some day.


Active Member
Don't do it. I live in Idaho and we are a zero tolerance state. Especially since the legalization in Co. and Wa. ISP(Idaho State Police) has been on a witch hunt ever since then. They are pulling people over for the smallest(But legal) reasons. From not using a turn signal to just a few miles over the speed limit. The tactics they use are shady but overlooked by the courts because "They are getting the drugs off the streets" I have a friend who is trying to fight a possession charge for crumbs on his clothes, and smelling like it.
The statement about being safe up north but south is like Utah, that used to be true but they are moving north. Idaho is just not worth it.
If you have no choice know the state laws inside and out, they push them to the limit.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Don't do it. I live in Idaho and we are a zero tolerance state. Especially since the legalization in Co. and Wa. ISP(Idaho State Police) has been on a witch hunt ever since then. They are pulling people over for the smallest(But legal) reasons. From not using a turn signal to just a few miles over the speed limit. The tactics they use are shady but overlooked by the courts because "They are getting the drugs off the streets" I have a friend who is trying to fight a possession charge for crumbs on his clothes, and smelling like it.
The statement about being safe up north but south is like Utah, that used to be true but they are moving north. Idaho is just not worth it.
If you have no choice know the state laws inside and out, they push them to the limit.
That really sucks. They used to be so laid back. A group of us got pulled over with open containers (I'm not saying the year) and all they did was make us pour it out and sent us on our merry way. My brother was attending college in Rexburg at the time and we were going on a skiing trip. Sad to see it change so much. :(


Well-Known Member
If your considering Idaho, just stay in Colorado. Idaho is zero tolerance. They don't fuck around. My buddy did 3 days for a gram. I've lived in Spokane since the day I was born. Its leaps and bounds better then any city in Idaho. Good bud. Honestly though, I'm tired of this place. Its a big but small city. It seems everyone knows everyone. Its weird. I want out. Stay away from Idaho. Washington has the same climate but better weed laws.
So a fellow spokane member nice to meet ya


Active Member
It sucks. Idaho is a great place to live, but not if you like the green. Police and law makers have the attitude that it is one of the worst drugs out there and it needs to be removed. Big thing I can say is. Don't get caught crossing a state border with it, that is another monster on it's own. I can't tell you much about local police in that area but ISP is what you need to worry about, it is their war and they fight dirty.


WHEW!!! It's not going to happen!!! FUCK YEAH!!!. Thank you all, and if I do ever make my way up north, I'll be sure to follow all of the wonderful advice. Cant believe I was so paranoid I considered keistering my seeds.
This a dead issue!


Well-Known Member
If your considering Idaho, just stay in Colorado. Idaho is zero tolerance. They don't fuck around. My buddy did 3 days for a gram.

tax money well spent.. total value 1 gram $10-25$ total cost to hold that SOB criminal!! about 46k per year... average some states are even higher.

I do have an accounting background.. it's how I met my wife... but honestly I did not pay attention much there.. but I got the jist of econmics in HS so lemme see how this works out..

46/365= 130.00 oer day x 3 days.. $390 total tax payer cost for a $10-25 crime..

most folks dont even make 130.00 per day... avg about 16.50 per hour for an 8 hour day

U.S prison pop #1

#2 China...

we outsource that too???

ahhhhhhhhh shit now I have pissed myself off...