Well-Known Member
Stealth growing has always been an interest of mine, mainly due to my state being non-legal till just up to last summer. Had a few halfassed grows in closets before legalization and was always toying with the idea of how to have a grow in plainsight and virtually undetectable. Fast forward to legalization and almost jumped and bought a tent and everything to get a legit grow going. 1 major hurdle was keeping it from our kids. So the brainstorming went rght back to my old days and glanced over at my minifridge and thought why not go micro for the first run. Thus my venture in utlizing this mini fridge to complete my first legal grow!!
You can check it out here Mini Fridge Micro Grow Im almost complete!!

So with the micro grow going so well and still keeping everything hidden in plainsight, i started brainstorming how to go bigger. We live in a small house and storage space is limited so i decided to go the route of building a "laundry room closet/pantry" for "storage" lol. Wanted a big enough box to pull a decent yield and maybe something perpetual if i redesign the fridge to veg a couple plants at a time for a few weeks. Started back in April and got to work building and designing the cabinet as i went.

Now I am not a carpenter by any professional means lol. Some mistakes were made in construction but everything eventually came together to form my basic shell of this grow box. Last picture you can see the size difference between the mini fridge and the new digs.
to be cont'd....
You can check it out here Mini Fridge Micro Grow Im almost complete!!

So with the micro grow going so well and still keeping everything hidden in plainsight, i started brainstorming how to go bigger. We live in a small house and storage space is limited so i decided to go the route of building a "laundry room closet/pantry" for "storage" lol. Wanted a big enough box to pull a decent yield and maybe something perpetual if i redesign the fridge to veg a couple plants at a time for a few weeks. Started back in April and got to work building and designing the cabinet as i went.

Now I am not a carpenter by any professional means lol. Some mistakes were made in construction but everything eventually came together to form my basic shell of this grow box. Last picture you can see the size difference between the mini fridge and the new digs.
to be cont'd....