Low Budget Mini Fridge LED Grow


Gorgeous lady pics ahead lol

Day 14 of 12/12

This first picture is from last night after getting some leafs plucked and canopy opened back up. Tucked some tops a little further out to the edge and a lot of the little undergrowth was now getting some much needed light.


This girl has taken absolutely everything that I've thrown at her training wise quite well. Didn't have anything setup for any cloning this go around but still have a couple beans from this pack and would love to see what she can do in a larger environment.

When should I chop?? Hahaha :lol:. But seriously, I feel I've got the environment in this little fridge dialed in and really able to maintain proper VPD this last few weeks and hoping for a smooth ride all the way to the end. This little 36$ amazon special, "50W full spectrum" led has been decently impressive. Will have to see if it has enough nuts to finish her through flowering. The AC infinity has been well worth it!! It's not only kept my Temps and humidity stable with the adjustment on the speed knob, but she starting to stink!! With the new fan actually creating some negative pressure in the box and pulling the air through the DIY carbon scrubber, the room it's in is smell free. With the door open, her fragrance really fills the room.. This has been a fun little project, but I'm really itching to finish this and get the next, BIGGER, project going haha.

Got her bones cleaned up for the first go around. Like I said in previous post that about day 21, anything not caught up to the net or higher is getting pulled. May defoliate again a few weeks before chop but will see when time comes.

Finally, just some baby bud shots for your enjoyment lol.



Day 15 of 12/12

Messing around with a way to get better pictures in the cab, I threw a piece of computer paper over the LED. Gave me some nice natural light with no filters or adjustments needed to get a good quality pic.

Then it got me thinking. I've got no way of co trolling the light intensity of this board by way of dimmer. I feel it may have been too intense for the seedling stage due to distance. Wondering if fit the board with some sort of diffused acrylic or glass pane would be enough to in a sense "dim" the light during the first few weeks. May have to try it out next go around.


Day 17 of 12/12

Goooooood morning to this beautiful lady!!

Shes still behaving well and getting thirstier by the day. Switched from 4 cups of water every other day to about 3 1/2 cups everday. May start feeding molasses servings a few timess a week here soon.


May have some more pictures of the new cabinet (in build progress) up sometime this weekend!!

Day 40 of 12/12


Almost to the end of Week 5 of Flower and having some issues starting to present itself. Still in Natures Living Organic soil and Happy Frog mix. Have been giving molasses and regular gassed off tap water last few waterings. Thought of Magnesium deficiency at first so gave some epsom salts via watering a couple days ago. Problem only seems to be affecting some side branching off the main "top colas." Started off as a pale green and eventually yellowing of some leaves and curling on a couple as of today. Have watered entire grow to just a dribble of runoff.

Temps have been 80 with lights on 68 with lights off. Humidity stays about 50-60 with lights on and around 65 with lights out

Lights are about 11 inches from tops in most places. A little higher on outside edges of Scrog net. Everything else seems happy and chugging along.

If anybody has any thoughts or insight on whats going on, please feel free to chime in!!










i would start by flushing the hell out of her. Get her stripped off all everything. Reboot

Flushing an organic living soil would flush all of my beneficial nutrients for the remaining grow out, in which I would have to supplement nutrients into the soil the rest of the grow, correct? What would be the need for flushing if I haven't used any bottled nutrients at all?
Flushing an organic living soil would flush all of my beneficial nutrients for the remaining grow out, in which I would have to supplement nutrients into the soil the rest of the grow, correct? What would be the need for flushing if I haven't used any bottled nutrients at all?
My experience is in hydroponic environments and I have had problems . When I have issues the super
Flush is always a good way to reboot. It’s just a logical step for me. Maybe doing that and trying supplement food at this point isn’t a bad idea. Since your flowering it should only need certain stuff and it might be an easy fix.
Day 61 of 12/12

Anyone miss me lol?? Dont worry im still here and we're still going!! Last post, i was chasing a problem with some random yellowing of some tops. Based off some recommendations, I narrowed it down to a potassium deficiency. Deficiency had worsened within a day or two of that post. Ordered some Down to Earth Langbeinite and gave her a couple feedings. Problem has since stopped spreading and only the affected leaves were the casualties. Right now she's in the middle of week 8 of actual flower. Buds are getting super dense and the smell punches you in the face when tending to her. Little DIY carbon filter is no longer keeping up with scrubbing her stench. I guess I'm noseblind to it now because we had a buddy, who doesn't partake or have any knowledge of what's in the fridge, come over and upon walking in the front door he immediately was overwhelmed with her aroma haha. With this being a fast version of Amnesia Haze and an 8 to 10 week finishing time, I'm hoping we are closing in on harvest day. Only thing that I'm battling now is keeping the humidty under control. That is proving difficult on account of all the monsoons that we've had over past couple weeks. No signs of PM or the dreaded Botrytis yet so fingers crossed she makes it to the finish line nice and healthy!!






As always, Cheers!!!
Things look fine. I had a similar setup, I had scrog setup up on wheels, enabled me to roll out to service, GREAT JOB
Nice!! How big was your setup?? I made this one serviceable too as you can see in some previous posts. Was way too hard to manage not being able to move her!!