New Member
Hello everybody! Total noob here with his very first plant and a few questions and much needed push in the right direction please...
Recently i adopted a plant someone had given up on. Originally it was an outdoor plant, but had to bring indoors once she became mine. I set her up in a 5x5x8 tent with a 150w hps light. Did some adjusting and now i just need opinions, advice etc...
*ive read that the 150w is weak, yet the big ass tent for my 1 gets pretty warm, up to 86° no lower than 75°, even with the couple fans i have in there. Is there a cheap way to fix this w/o buying an expensive a/c?
*how far should the plants be from the light?
*idk how old she is already, but ive had her for about 2 weeks now....but when/or how can i tell when its time to switch to flowering?
*and finally, im not sure if it a nutrient problem, water, or pests, but some of the leaves dont look good, some got better , others worse....but any ideas on what it could be??
*i also have a feit red spectrum 2ft LED
Light at 19w and 1100k...should i use that one instead, or both at the same time?
I appreciate all the help i could get, i tried to be as detailed as possible but if i missed anything let me know
Recently i adopted a plant someone had given up on. Originally it was an outdoor plant, but had to bring indoors once she became mine. I set her up in a 5x5x8 tent with a 150w hps light. Did some adjusting and now i just need opinions, advice etc...
*ive read that the 150w is weak, yet the big ass tent for my 1 gets pretty warm, up to 86° no lower than 75°, even with the couple fans i have in there. Is there a cheap way to fix this w/o buying an expensive a/c?
*how far should the plants be from the light?
*idk how old she is already, but ive had her for about 2 weeks now....but when/or how can i tell when its time to switch to flowering?
*and finally, im not sure if it a nutrient problem, water, or pests, but some of the leaves dont look good, some got better , others worse....but any ideas on what it could be??
*i also have a feit red spectrum 2ft LED
Light at 19w and 1100k...should i use that one instead, or both at the same time?
I appreciate all the help i could get, i tried to be as detailed as possible but if i missed anything let me know
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