FROM Seed to Flower in 9 Weeks?


Well-Known Member
Nah its saying flowering time is 8-9 weeks
& i think its saying 10g per square foot

Dont get how they got it to grow from 12 to 28cm in one weed :?


Active Member

but if you watch the video, it clealy says when it is on 4 weeks that the plant has now been flowing for 5 days.

and the harvest it at 9 and half weeks???


Well-Known Member
i watched it mate :)

if you pause it at the start you can see it says 'flowering time 8-9 weeks'

I can read it better than i can understand him :?


Well-Known Member
If you grew plants as good as that guy is supposed to, you would also be perma stoned and pretty hard to understand:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If i grew plants as good as that guy is supposed to i doubt it would have bothered to turn the computer on this morning....would have probably just rolled over, rolled up a joint, done a bong then sparked up the joint and away she goesss.......


Active Member

I know what it says at the begining of the Video 8-9 week flowering. but that is not what it says when you watch it.

also when you look at it when it says 5 weeks at the top, he then says it has now been flowering for 2 weeks..

and he then harvests it when it has nine weeks at the top..


Active Member
Dude, doubtful. It's going to be 8 weeks to finish flowering with a Indica. I have had Sativas take up to 3.5 months in flower. Yes, you heard me right, 3.5 months. Some of the biggest best baddest bud I ever smoked. My friends still talk about the Kali Mist.

I unfortunately have a huge collection of top rate smoke I bong with every morning. (see pic). I still work and go to school and do my indoor grows. I'm too busy to be lazy LOL...



Well-Known Member
are you dumb or what its not from seed.Duh

if you want from seed then look at autoflowering strains

green house seeds are not autoflowering so you wouldnt get a good yeild at all if you flowered from seed


Active Member
Hi i did not say he flowered from seed

it says he grew 3 weeks veg then put them to flower at a 9 1/2 week total.

that what it says on the video... and the guy who made the video seems to be a well respected grower who has won many cups.

The reason I put this thread up is that I find it hard to believe myself..


Well-Known Member
how many oz do you reckon one plant will yeild??????

If i Was given a joint for every time ive read this sentence :D!!!

Depends on the size ect...If you mean one of his plants..probz 2-4oz Altho i did end the video before i saw it fully grown.


Well-Known Member
ive grown two strains of rhino,one that was bought at the cannabis cup in 98 from the seed winning producer i believe,and one from a seed bank in vancouver,and i they never looked like that.that rhino really flops out,and ive used the fim and topping and grown them outdoor,so i have been curious about that video,and yes they said 91/2 weeks you got me.


Active Member
Yes its Strange..... 2-4 oz was hoping for more... was thinking of ordering these seeds, but am looking for a high yeild.

prehaps someone will answer this for me, as i dont really understand how they work out the yeid of a Plant

I.E The seed the BIG Bang sold by the Greenhouise comapany says Yield up to 1000 gr per Plant (not Sq m).

if my math is right that would be 35 oz???????

they also have ajan Hazze that says a massive 1300gr per plant ????? 46oz

this i dont understand as whta i have read on forums seems people get 2-8 oz of there plants


Well-Known Member
Ive never looked into seed banks but i assume they would be talking about wet weight, straight off the plant.

Ohh and you can get 0-8 of each plant lol

Wet weight & dry weight confused me at the start aswell.