From Seed To Smoke..!


Well-Known Member
Thats some nice work for your first try at growing there sir, congrats to you

thanks chrome dome

that plant is looking good mate, that sucks your other plants turned to rubbish keep good care of that... you have a nice setup to put that plant in the 12/12 and see her Flower... Make sure u have somthing to take care of the smell cause it starts smellin strong, take care chap
yep sure does....

im on the look out now for a fan and maybe be buying an all in 1 kit at the end of the month..tho i cant smell anything yet people i have had round the house and shown the plants to say that they can smell it


Well-Known Member
So I have put the plant in my last post into flower and have left the other 3 to veg for the time being

Its going to be hard work as I now have to move the plant out of the closet and into my other room for 12 hours of the day

But the cupboard is still in the same room as the closet so its not far and what with the windows blacked out and no light getting in it should be just fine

I started it at 645pm today which means for a few weeks I will have to be up before 645am to move it back under the lights with the rest which aint a bad thing as it will get me up what with work and all

I so hope its female and if it is I will keep doing the moving every day till the other 3 catch up and are ready to flower then just have all 4 on the go at once

I dont no how long it shall take to show but I will be looking every day

Fingers Crossed....


Now the other 3 have been transplanted into bigger pots they now have a nice green colour to them again and have started to grow and once they hit 12in I will switch them as well


Well-Known Member
tillthedayIdie im now in 2-3 days and that Plant stinks <which is good :mrgreen:

didnt think it would but opend the door when i got up 2day and the smell of skunk just hit me even when i give it a little shake or move the pot back ah how i have missed that smell

but as of yet nothing has shown


Well-Known Member
Im now into week 6 after being set bk by at least 2 weeks due to not having the right pots the 3 plants are now coming along and have started to grow and fill out nicely


Have been getting up every day for 640am for 645am to move my plant bk under the light after HER < YES ITS FEMALE :mrgreen: 12 hours of dark

It started to show the 2 -V- shaped hairs about 2days ago but I couldnt make them out very well and looked every where up town to find a magnifying glass but with no luck.. but today there was no need and I can clearly make out the white hairs in more then a few places on the plant

SHE is now touching 15in and has filled the the pot out with a lot of new growth

The smell is so nice its like when you do an 8th in a grinder then give it a sniff after mmmm..

So for that I went out and got me a 4in RVK FAN (MADE BY SYSTEMAIR) WITH AN EXTRACTION RATE OF 175M3 PER HOUR which is almost x2s more then I need to vent my closet

It also comes with a (CF 160) CARBON FILTER / lead and plug all the clips and mounting bracket as well as 5metres of flexible aluminium ducting all for a &#163;100 w/d

And as im righting this I have just had an email saying hes 99% sure it will be here tomorrow and I only ordered it late last night <good service I say

And will have some more pictures of my girl on friday night if not on sataday



Well-Known Member
Hey BigBud...looks like your grow is coming along real nice there man, despite your set backs. Good work fella! Look forward to seeing more pics soon.

I'm just starting my first grow, just waiting/hoping for my seeds to germinate. Think I'm going to go with BioBizz nutes as well.....if I get that far!


Well-Known Member
I am now 8 weeks in to my grow and after the few set backs I have had my plants have really picked up and started growing now

The biggest of the lot is now into day 12 of flowering and is topping 18in high and as you will see from the pictures has filled the pot out

Since about day 4-5 SHE has been showing more and more white hairs the longest of them now being over 1 centimeter

The 3 reaming plants are doing allot better as well, they are between 10-11in tall now and as of today have been put into flower which is good as I now no longer have to be up at 630am to move any plant and can just let the timer do its job

Also in the last week I got my self a ph pen and a extrator fan and carbon flitter and in the short time of having it has made such a difference to the heat no longer is it in the hight 30s but more the mid 20s

Only time will tell as to how many females I get now.............I have one thats for sure but would so like to have 4 !!

day 12 of flowering who says you cant use a hps to veg under???

How The other 3 coming along on day 1 of flowering

After I got my fan/filter hung up

Just a picture of my grow room you will see that due to the hight I have had to try and move my plants up with bits of wood and it seams to be working



Well-Known Member
Your doing an ace job there bigbud especially for your first run out, those are all gonna be ladies (fingers crossed) and your going to get some pukka bud at the end of it.


Well-Known Member
ok ok i got cut off from the internet and was left with just the tv, me and a mate thought we would just sample a little as the buds where white and sticky and about 6-7ish weeks into flowering

but after that first few joints i couldnt help my self and keepet takeing more and more drying it out over 48-72 hours, till then i had only smoked about a 1/4 in over a year so anything to me stoned

to cut along story short i couldnt wait no longer and cut my girl dwn as i was tight on cash trying to get the internet bk and didnt see the point in haveing just the one plant and wanted to start again this time i hope i will get more females

i have the seeds on order and will be starting again very soon i still dont have a camare so couldnt get any pics before it was to late and all gone

i learned alot from that grow and hope to inprove next time around and let it go all the way but since then i have striped my grow room down and taken every thing out and have gained 2ft in hight so next time will veg till 2-1/2ft to try and get the most out the the plant in the space i have

so look out for my next grow journal comein soon


Well-Known Member
no pics sry its all gone now

if id have held onto the internet i wouldnt have touched it but watching 1234 i needed to smoke something, but i now now its not worth doing it after all that time and just better to leave it but better to do it on my first grow then anyother i think


Well-Known Member
There should be an "AA" type meeting for this. You know how they give you a buddy or something in the NA/AA know call this number in case you get the urge to hack your plant early. I can imagine it now speaking with someone on the phone...."just put the scissors down". "nobody is going to think your weak cause you almost caved".


Well-Known Member
It doesnt really matter how many "buddies" you got, were not trying to give up smoking so if we have no cash and no bud and we need a toke, the phone isnt even gonna get picked up lol.


Active Member

Well I had a look at my seeds today... and ALL 5 have germinated ok and have a nice taproot of about 1cm or more on them :mrgreen:

So I spent the last hour or so sorting the pots out and getting everything to hand and cleaned up ready to rock.

I have filled the pots up with my soil and have pored 3/4 of a pint which is PHed at 6.8 over each one then covered with clean film... And I am goin to let it soak in till tomorrow night them move my seeds into there new home.

All is looking good so far lets just hope the rest goes as well.

And there will be some pics tomorrow as well..!

How did those seeds germinate so quick without heat? Check the dates on the postings and you will see what I'm talking about!