from veg to flower


Well-Known Member
I switched from veg to flowering into day 5 now no real signs of anything yet except it seems that growth has rapidly slowed and ph dropped from6.3-5.0 hopefully i have taken care of that. Is this normal? They are not even consuming as much nuts maybe1/2 as much any input out there?


Well-Known Member
all depends on wot your usin . hydro/soil.?? your plants/plant may well keep growing till its more than doubled its size as they usually do when you change to flowering. also you mite not see anything for up to 2-3wks after you switch to 12/12. some plants are just slower than others.
i cant help you out with your nutes till you tell us what your using and how much u use..

do you have any pics of your set-up and plant/plants.??
would help us all to give you better information.


Well-Known Member
flora bloom that is ive used the flora series this whole time and im using dwc sorry about that my temp stays right at 73.5 and humidity isabout 55-65


Well-Known Member
i dont know anythin about your nutes but there will be plenty of ppl in here that will be able to help you.... as your temp and humidity they seem fine. im growing a white rhino in bubbler and i use advanced nutrients products. only info i can give you is treally the basics on what to do..

how far above your plants is your light,.? you want it about 16-18 inches above your plant at all times so if it grows an inch you move your light up an inch. if you have an oscilating fan get that in there n cool dwn the tops of the plants while moving the air around your grow room..
i change my nft tanks n bubbler once a week and put fresh nutes in and increase the amount i add every week till (in veg) its big enuf to flower. in flower i do the same but peak my nutes in the 4th week and drop back down slightly over the next 2 wks and for the last two weeks i only give water to flush out all the chemicals.


Well-Known Member
thanks lots of help i may have my light a little high its about 2'1/2 above plants is 400 enough cause i have another 400 i can put in


Well-Known Member
do you have a ppm reader or truncheon.???

its best to get one because you can tell if your over/under feeding.
i keep my ph around 5.6-5.8 at all times in both cycles and is fine for what i do.
never go by wot it says on the bottle either coz you will burn your plants. always stay below the recomendations given by company coz thats 100% strength. you can get more info on this from faq at the top of the page..


Well-Known Member
you could put more light in there but only if you have the space.. i run 2x400w lights and it gets hot sumtimes m8. if you put 2 in then raise them a little bit more cause they will produce alot more heat.. dont want burnt plants lol.
what size is your g/room.
do you have good ventilation.?
extra heat means extra humidity but if you add a de-humidifier you will be ok but thats only in bad cases. 55-65 i believe is ok but just watch i doesnt go much higher like 70-80 coz you dont want bud rot..


Well-Known Member
thanx alot for all your help i dont have ppm i know i should and i am goin off the bottle for amount i'll change that im not even sure how to read ppm is it pretty explanitory?


Well-Known Member
its kind tricky but with time im sure you will get the hang of it.. i give my plants a light feeding programe and my tyipical ppm readings are as follows.

veg.wk1 630ppm wk2 770 wk3 910 wk4 1050

flowering. wk1 840ppm wk2 980 ppm wk3 1120 ppm wk4 1260ppm. wk5 1120 wk6 980 w7 and 8 just water.

hope this kind gives you an idea of wot roughly to do..
all plants are different and some mite not handle these amounts but thru time you will get to know your strain and therefore be able to give it wot it needs..



Well-Known Member
real helpful my room is about 4'x4'x6.5' tall using 265 intake and 265 exhaust with a carbon scrubber that works great


Well-Known Member
its like i have to switch pages or to anther link then come back and check my post befofre i see your post?