frost advisory! worried

well theres a frost advisory for my county tonight tho it says the temp in my town wont be below 40... hopefully thats the case because im still 3 or 4 weeks away from harvest they are all still very small buds and im not sure what else i can do to keep them going it we start getting frosts. they are a bit far out into the woods to do covering/uncoverings. blah


Well-Known Member
Can you bring them some fresh grass clippings? They give off a lot of heat. You could mound the bases. In Florida they spray the citrus groves with water before a frost. Don't know how well that would protect MJ.


Well-Known Member
Yeah don't add to the buds. I really can't think of anything else that would stay warm. I'm not saying this is the perfect solution but as you said covering and uncovering could be tedious. You could try to get some green greenhouse cloth and just make a make shift green house with 3 or 4 long branches to form a tripod. In the woods anything white like a row cover might get spotted from very far away. It can't hurt to hill up the bases with grass clippings. Make sure the grass clippings didn't come from any lawn that used herbicides though. When in doubt find yourself some weeds some place and lawn mow em. There's also burlap but that requires uncovering. Same is true of hay or straw.

You're almost in a situation where if it gets too cold you're going to have to cover and uncover them. Maybe the effort you put in doing that no matter how tedious is rewarded.

How tall are they?


Active Member
Cross your fingers and cover them if it gets below freezing. Thats it, all you can do. I'm in the same situation.