Hey all, saw the comments about getaway mountain, has anyone grown out their gear and actually had them tested in a legal state? (e.g. early finish is nice, but how strong are they? Brain twister seems good for example

) I've been spoiled by the last few falls in my northern lat and have gotten into the habit of growing ridiculously long flowering sativas that prefer to be cut around election day. This year with pretty much consistently 20deg below average temps mother nature has gotten back at me the low around 6am on sunday morning will be *24F*. I could add a plastic sheet draped across to cover them and run heated home air out of the window that's up against the garden, but as all of my girls are 11-13 feet tall stuffed in an ~200sqft fenced area off the house and I can't fly, that's not really easily done... (could throw a 2x4 onto the house just above or below the second story window then wrap sheeting around it that then drapes across is the best I can do, but that's far and away not fully enclosed.) So I'm planning on cutting them 3-ish weeks early tomorrow (Pout!) They're pretty damn protected from the sides.... so I'm still toying with finding a huge tarp and tossing that on top of them and hoping for the best, but.... well, it's better to have an early harvest (all trics are milky that I've been able to see, so at the least they'll be nice head highs) than to have a ruined harvest... Anyone want to try to convince me that adding a tarp/covering and piping house air into a mostly open garden will be enough to counter an hour or so of 24F weather (they've been fine to 30F at least so far...) Edit: just smoked some of the plant (red headed stranger x indiana bubble gum which I now call redneck bubble gum) I took down on the 11th, to give the girl next to it some extra light / test the high. I'm fairly happy with it so I think I'll be fine if not thrilled by removing (at least) all of these the tops and drying them tomorrow... Though obsessively looking at the weather channel, it looks like aside from the low of now 25F, the weather seems fine for the next 10 days... I might push it, and immediately harvest if anything looks dead on the branch... the ground won't freeze yet (and I can water with warm water) so my only concerns are the buds... (edit #2: decided that cutting the tops would be the worst case scenario as it would expose the main stems to the full effect of the cold. So I added 3" of mulch and will water with ~ 80F molasses water before the low hits then will check the plants for signs of death, my thoughts are that if it does die, I'll catch it w/n 12 hours which is not really any different than trimming them, or worst case scenario, any worse than trimming them after they've dried as some do. Will update with my results in a new post come actual harvest.)