Frozen Trim

Not a fan of the fresh frozen runs unless you can completely ensure the material stays frozen while you are extracting it and have your tane cans frozen too. With fresh frozen material you run the risk of getting more chlorophyll in your extract I found. Also your yield of oil to VOLUME of material is much lower than if you completely dry your material first.
When you dry your material first you get rid of 75% of the moisture in them material and around 50 or more percent volume size of the material so you can run a shit load more material in your tubes when it is completely dry.
When I tried to dry my trim it ended up smelling bad and having more of that green grassy smell to it, I mean im trying to use the honey bee extractor so Im not talking about doing big runs
Bud/trim will smell like lawn grass if it's been dried way to quickly and to warmly. Properly dried weed takes time at 45-50% humidity and very low temp around 62 F.
This will keep the original smell in your product. The warmer you go and lower humidity you dry at the more the product degrades and smells like shit. Trim will dry a lot faster than dense bud.

For example I hang dry my full plants in 50% humidity and 62 F in a sealed room with an air conditioner and de hum on a controller. It takes a full 14 days for my plants to be perfectly dried and slow cured that way.
The smell is so deeply dank it's incredible.
I gave my guy 2x 1gallon ziplock bags of my top shelf fresh frozen trim last week. he ran it no problems. 17.63 grams of BHO total
woo fakin hoo
As noted, care is required when freezing fresh material for subsequent extraction, to insure the trichomes don't become coated with ice. I cut mine in into quarter inch chunks and pack it in the columns before freezing it, so it doesn't coat from atmospheric ice during loading.

I also use butane at from -50C to as high as 0F, but it and the columns are always chilled.

Yield is about the same as dried, if you take out the water weight, but because it is being processed with the water in place, it takes about four times as many runs.

The aromatics from the oil are intense and the oil is not smooth to vaporize, but assaults both your nose and taste.